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What should Susan Sontag read?

What should Susan Sontag read?

Here’s where I recommend you start with the great Susan Sontag:

  • Styles of Radical Will, 1969.
  • Against Interpretation, 1966.
  • In America, 1999.
  • Death Kit, 1967.
  • I, Etcetera, (1978)

What is Susan Sontag known for?

Susan Sontag, née Susan Rosenblatt, (born January 16, 1933, New York, New York, U.S.—died December 28, 2004, New York), American intellectual and writer best known for her essays on modern culture. Sontag (who adopted her stepfather’s name) was reared in Tucson, Arizona, and in Los Angeles.

Did Susan Sontag have a PhD?

But Sontag’s departure from academia was not quite as straightforward as that. Three years later, she still regretted not having finished her dissertation and even planned to complete it after all—probably on recent French philosophy—and earn her PhD from Harvard.

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How old is Susan Sontag?

71 years (1933–2004)
Susan Sontag/Age at death
Susan Sontag, the novelist, essayist and critic whose impassioned advocacy of the avant-garde and equally impassioned political pronouncements made her one of the most lionized presences – and one of the most polarizing – in 20th-century letters, died yesterday morning in Manhattan. She was 71 and lived in Manhattan.

Did Susan Sontag photograph?

But her own bouts with the camera were not over. As she underwent the terrible treatment, her partner, Annie Leibovitz, was taking pictures of her: bloated, writhing, and then, finally, dead. When these pictures were published, after Sontag’s death, they ignited a fierce debate.

What did Susan Sontag study?

After completing her Master of Arts in philosophy, she began doctoral research into metaphysics, ethics, Greek philosophy and Continental philosophy and theology at Harvard. The philosopher Herbert Marcuse lived with Sontag and Rieff for a year while working on his 1955 book Eros and Civilization.

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What race is Susan Sontag?

Early life and education. Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews of Lithuanian and Polish descent. Her father managed a fur trading business in China, where he died of tuberculosis in 1939, when Susan was five years old.

Who was Susan Sontag married to?

Philip Rieffm. 1950–1959
Susan Sontag/Spouse

Who is Susan Sontag son?

David Rieff
Susan Sontag/Sons
The writer Susan Sontag’s death, as set out in this short and immensely disturbing account by her son, David Rieff, must rank as one of the worst ever described. For starters, it took a long time. Ms. Sontag was diagnosed with breast cancer metastatic to the lymph nodes in 1975, at 42.