
Is it OK to not talk to your mother?

Is it OK to not talk to your mother?

This may be a good thing — your parents are willing to try to develop a healthy relationship! Hooray! But not talking to a parent does not often last forever. You can use this to soothe yourself if you feel bad about it, but you should also keep it in mind if you initiate contact and end up regretting it.

Why do I feel so angry at my mother?

The causes of lifelong anger that some hold against a parent could be due to any of the following: Physical or emotional neglect from parents. They may not be intentionally abusive but were affected by their own vulnerabilities or limited emotional capacity. Physical, mental, or sexual abuse.

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How do I get over my mother’s resentment?

Here are some thoughts to help the healing begin:

  1. Resolve resentment. Nursing resentments toward a parent does more than keep that parent in the doghouse.
  2. Develop realistic expectations.
  3. Hold on to the good.
  4. Foster true separation.
  5. Let your parents back into your heart.
  6. Commit to the journey.

How do I talk to my mom about my anxiety disorder?

You want to help your mom to understand you. Try to remain calm. If you need to, take a few deep breaths to alleviate anxiety. It’s easy and natural to feel defensive or emotional if you are talking about something that is difficult and painful, but it’s important to focus on your communication rather than emotion.

Why does my mom hate me so much?

Many times, when you feel like your mom hates you, this is genuinely not the case—there may be other factors and conflicts at play that are causing tension in your relationship.

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Why is my mom in a bad mood all the time?

In cases like this, it’s possible your mom’s behavior has nothing to do with you. Likely your mom is in a bad mood. She may be overworked, overstressed, or dealing with another problem. Think about your mom’s circumstances. Maybe she recently lost her job, or maybe she’s currently overworked. Is it possible that she had a bad day?

What to do when you feel like your mother hates you?

Think about why you feel like your mother hates you. It may help to get out a pen and paper and write about your feelings for ten or fifteen minutes. Ask yourself some questions about the situation. Did a specific instance trigger your thought of “my mom hates me?” Or is this more of a general feeling?