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How can I help my mom?

How can I help my mom?

These five things you can do around the house to help mom can be simple and will make your mom’s heart soar.

  1. Clean Your Room. Keeping a tidy and neat room is important for most moms.
  2. Cook for Mom.
  3. Give your Mom a Day Off.
  4. Plant Flowers.
  5. Do all the Laundry.

How can I tell if my mom is bipolar?

If your parent is in a manic episode, they may:

  • have a hard time sleeping, although they may report feeling “well rested” after only 30 minutes of sleep.
  • talk very quickly.
  • go on shopping sprees with reckless regard as to how they’ll pay for items purchased.
  • get easily distracted.
  • be overly energetic.

How can I help my mother overcome her misery?

To help your mother, you must avoid being sucked into the black hole of her misery. If you maintain a steady, upbeat, healthy approach to each call and visit, her mood is likely to rise to meet your approach. Trading stories about misery only keeps you both depressed.

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How can I Help my depressed mother?

Recognize that your mother is invested in her depression at this time. She may subsconsciously feel that being depressed keeps people around her — keeps them paying attention to her. While being miserable is a bad strategy to keep friends and family, she may not realize that yet.

How can I make sure my loved one gets the care they need?

When you know in your heart that the time has come to step up and ensure your loved one gets the care they need, think creatively about how to make it happen. Look into house calls, telemedicine, or use therapeutic fibs to get them into the doctor’s office. There’s no shame in guaranteeing your mom or dad gets proper medical treatment.

Should I recommend therapy to my mother?

Your mother does need to get therapeutic help. Perhaps her current husband can be encouraged to recommend this to her. I am reluctant to suggest that you recommend therapy to and for her because I am concerned that this will backfire and she will get angry with you.