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Should I make a YouTube or podcast?

Should I make a YouTube or podcast?

YouTube attracts users looking for short content that fulfills their free time, whereas podcast platforms attract people looking for a series to spend hours enjoying. You can take advantage of YouTube’s algorithm to make your videos more searchable, and then encourage users to click through to your website.

Is podcast better than video?

Audio podcasts can be consumed anywhere, videos can’t Because of their format and delivery system, podcasts are incredibly versatile, making them a great option for reaching your target audience wherever they are.

What advantages does podcasting have over videos on YouTube?

There are two advantages that this offers: 1. You enter people’s lives on their own terms, which makes you a more welcome guest so they’ll be more open to what you have to say and 2. Your audience doesn’t need to look at their screens to listen to your message. Podcasts can be uploaded to YouTube.

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Is it worth putting your podcast on YouTube?

Putting your podcast on YouTube is a popular repurposing method for lots of podcasters. There are plenty of benefits to starting a channel, from repurposing your episodes and finding new listeners to building your brand and authority.

What are podcast disadvantages?

Disadvantages of Podcasting

  • Accessibility for some audience can be an issue. Internet is required for people to access the podcasts and it becomes difficult to reach to a wider audience if internet is not available.
  • Finding and reaching to your audience.
  • IP and content protection is difficult.

Should I film my podcast?

There are so many benefits to using video podcasts instead of just sticking to audio podcasts. Your listeners won’t just be listeners they will become an audience, engaging and relating to you on a deeper level. You can also record a skype call if they’re in another location to capture that video element.

Should you film your podcast?

Are YouTube videos considered podcasts?

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YouTube might not be the first platform people think of when they’re looking for podcasts, but a growing number of top creators are proving YouTube is a bonafide podcast network. While the podcasts are also distributed via Spotify and Apple Podcasts, YouTube acts as a first stop.

Should I video my podcast?

Is a YouTube video a podcast?

Overnight, the video goes viral. That’s the power of YouTube because it hosts all kinds of videos irrespective of the genre. Podcast, on the other hand, is an audio or video recording often focused on a specific theme or topic which users can download and listen to on their mobile devices.

Are podcasts or YouTube more profitable?

Without a doubt, Podcasting has a higher CPM than YouTube. On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000 for a pre-roll advertisement. This mean you’d be making about $43 per episode if you were getting 1,000 downloads per episode.

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What is a good length for a podcast episode?

Ideal Podcast Episode Length Is Determined by Content Here’s the bottom line – if your episode contains a solid 20 minutes of good content that delivers on its title and serves your audience, then 20 minutes is the perfect podcast episode length. Why stretch that out to an hour, or cut it down to 15 minutes?