
Who is the most famous Star Trek villain of all time?

Who is the most famous Star Trek villain of all time?

You know it’s true: If somebody says, “ Star Trek villains,” Khan is the first name that comes to your mind. He’s the only Original Series villain that most people still remember. And that’s mostly due to Ricardo Montalban’s unforgettable performance.

Who is Winn in Star Trek?

She was a Bajoran female who became the Kai, or religious leader, of the Bajoran people in the 2370s. Winn was much more interested in gathering power than serving the Prophets, who were at the center of Bajoran faith. She eventually turned against the Prophets, to whom she had dedicated her life, and renounced them in favor of the Pah-Wraiths.

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Will Vedek Winn be the next Kai?

After the disappearance of Kai Opaka, Vedek Winn emerged as one of the main candidates as the next Kai. One of the other candidates was fellow Vedek Bareil Antos, who held a much more liberal viewpoint than Winn, and who was friendly towards the Federation.

Is Khan Noonien Singh the Best Original Series villain?

He’s the only Original Series villain that most people still remember. And that’s mostly due to Ricardo Montalban’s unforgettable performance. Suave, brilliant, malicious, and powerful, Khan Noonien Singh debuted near the end of the show’s first season.

Is Malcolm McDowell a good Star Trek villain?

Like any self-respecting Star Trek villain, they nearly eliminated the crew of the Enterprise, but a few clever moves from Commander Data managed to save the day. Star Trek: Generations is an awful movie, but like most awful movies with Malcolm McDowell in them, Mr. McDowell gives the audience their money’s worth.

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Who would be the best next generation villain?

Lore would be one of the best Next Generation villains regardless of his actual actions or personality – his name is that cool. One of multiple Trek takes on the classic “evil twin” motif, Lore is Data’s identical “brother” who attempts to take over the Enterprise by impersonating his nice counterpart.