
What is the fastest way to make money in Shogun 2?

What is the fastest way to make money in Shogun 2?

Train metsuke, build markets, don’t oversize the army, only upgrade castles when needed.

How do you build a strong economy in Shogun 2?

TLDR; Build units to conquer more provinces if you want more money. If you have money leftover, build markets, gold mines, and improved irrigation on average or better soil. DO NOT build terrace farms, rice exchanges, or sake dens (except when you want ninja agents) – spend your money on soldiers instead.

How do I get more generals in Shogun 2?

Generals are recruited in five ways: first, they can be sons of a daimyo that come of age; second, a random event may trigger giving the player the option to hire a new general for 1000 koku. Armies that do not have generals that win victories may also trigger the same event.

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How do you get iron in Shogun 2 Total War?

Iron is extremely rare on the map, with only two provinces, Miyagi to the east and Mimasaka to the west, having the resource. The trade node to the north-west of the map also grants iron as a trade good. Provinces with iron as a resource can train troops more cheaply thanks to the discount iron mines provide.

What does command do in Shogun 2?

It represents the level of morale buffs your general provides to your troops. If you see “+2 command during ambushes” it means that your units will have increased morale on that type of battle.

Can there be multiple generals?

Generals are two star generals, Brigadiers (Brigade Generals) are one star generals. These can be more than one depending on requirements and theatres of operations. When there are more than one four star generals, then there is only one five star general.

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What is realm divide Shogun 2?

Shogun 2 is known for a unique event for the series known as Realm Divide, in which one by one, all computer-controlled surviving clans declare war on the player (or players in coop-campaign mode) and ally with each other, though the player’s allies tend to do so later.

What is stand and fight in Shogun 2?

Stand and Fight when activated gives +3 melee attack and a +20 Reload bonus to any troops within the general’s aura. This gives a total of +6 melee attack to most of your troops (and if you delay adding points you can max Infantry leader on a general’s level 3).

How can I expand my Shogun 2 experience?

Another great way to expand your Shogun 2 experience is playing through some of the custom maps that the community has created throughout the years. Lakeside Castle is a great example of a map that would be tons of fun to play around with, especially if you’re playing with friends.

What is the most popular mod in Shogun 2?

Additional Units Mod – Shogun (AUM-SHO) As with any other Total War game, there’s loads of fun to be had in Shogun 2 by exploring the many additional units available through modding. The AUM-SHO pack is one of the most popular, allowing you to maximize over 20 new units in the game.

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Is Shogun 2 the best total war game?

Total War: Shogun 2 is still widely considered by many to be one of the best Total War games out there. While most Total War releases focus on expanding scopes and basically making everything larger and more epic, Shogun 2 took the opposite approach.

Does Total War Shogun 2 have an extended camera MiniMOD?

It has become a necessity for pretty much any RTS game, and Total War: Shogun 2 is no different. The Extended Camera Minimod makes things just a bit easier to manage and see as you play, especially in a game of this scale. It lets you zoom the camera out a bit more, making it easier to get that macro view of all the units you have deployed.