Can you pay for an article in Forbes?

Can you pay for an article in Forbes?

Another document lists prices for “feature articles” in some of the same publications. A feature story in Forbes, according to the list, costs $4,000. More prominent publications like The New York Times are absent from the feature price list.

How do I feature a magazine in Forbes?

How to get a reporter to write an article for you on Forbes?

  1. Email outreach. From our experience, traditional email outreach is still the most effective way to get featured on Forbes.
  2. Social media outreach. Reaching out to reporters on social media is, in many ways, similar to email outreach.
  3. HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

How do I get my company featured in a magazine?

How To Get Free Press For Your Business

  1. The Easy Way.
  2. The Somewhat More Difficult Way.
  3. Identify the right journalists.
  4. Identify the right publications.
  5. Create a journalist database.
  6. Reach out, but don’t pitch.
  7. If you go for the pitch, make it easy for the journalist.
  8. Don’t go for the profile piece.
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How do I get my article published on Forbes?

You can approach being published on Forbes in a couple of ways. You can submit a completed article (regardless of length) to [email protected] for consideration on one of their opinion pages. This content has to be original and exclusive to Forbes. If you’ve already published it somewhere else, they’ll reject it.

How do I write a query letter for Forbes magazine?

Most magazines, and I’m certain Forbes adheres to this practice as well, require the freelancer to submit a one-page query letter with a lead paragraph detailing how you plan to develop the article and another paragraph to give a related list of your publishing credits. You shouldn’t need more than three or four paragraphs at the most.

How long does it take for Forbes to review an article?

You can submit a completed article (regardless of length) to [email protected] for consideration on one of their opinion pages. This content has to be original and exclusive to Forbes. If you’ve already published it somewhere else, they’ll reject it. Expect it to take several business days to review your content.

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What is the hardest part of applying for Forbes magazine?

The only way a Forbes editor will consider your application is if someone refers you. The person referring you needs not care about your knowledge or ability to write – they need only like you. Yes, that’s the hardest part. It’s gross commercial journalism.