
Why should we loosen the soil?

Why should we loosen the soil?

The soil is loosened to increase the absorption of water and manures. Loosening of soil particles adds humus and nutrients in the soil that increases crop yields. Tilling or loosening the soil is done by ploughs which are pulled by a pair of bulls.

Why do farmers make soil loose?

In tilled fields, soil is broken up to make it easier for crops to grow. Because the soil is loose it can blow away in the wind or be washed away by rain, so some farmers chose to not till their fields.

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Why do farmers loosen the soil class 7?

Answer: The farmers sometimes loosen the soil. This helps the root to respire through the air present in the space between soil particles.

How does farming affect the soil?

Agriculture alters the natural cycling of nutrients in soil. Intensive cultivation and harvesting of crops for human or animal consumption can effectively mine the soil of plant nutrients. In order to maintain soil fertility for sufficient crop yields, soil amendments are typically required.

Why do farmers plough the soil during summer season?

In summer, due to breaking of a hard-crusted upper sheet of the soil and deep ploughing, the infiltration ability and permeability of the soil rises which results in increase in moisture conservation. This is the reason why farmers plough their field during summer.

Why is the soil loosened before seeds are sown short answer?

The soil is tilled to loosen the soil particles for better absorption of water and manure. Loosening of soil particles add humus and nutrition to the soil by helping in the growth of earthworms and microbes. Once the soil is thus prepared, the seeds can be sown.

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Why soil is important in agriculture?

Our soils are the basis for agriculture and the medium in which nearly all food-producing plants grow. Healthy soils produce healthy crops that in turn nourish people and animals. Soils supply the essential nutrients, water, oxygen and root support that our food-producing plants need to grow and flourish.

Why do farmers plough their field mention any three reasons?

ploughing makes the soil loose, which makes the plants easier to breathe through the porous soil. 3. ploughing kills the weeds present in the soil and suffocates them to death. 4.

Why do farmers plough the soil physics?

Ploughing ensures proper mixing of the soil. Ploughing also prepares the field for the subsequent farming cycle. The upper crust of the dry soil is removed and is accompanied by deep ploughing as well as overturning of the soil underneath the top crust.

Why turning and loosening of soil is important for cultivation of crops?

Answer: The process of loosening and turning the soil is important because soil has a lot of air trapped in it, which is used by the roots to breathe easily. Loose soil allows the roots to penetrate deeper, thus securing the plant more firmly.

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How does soil affect farming?

Root support, water and air for the growth of food and fibre. Cycling of nutrients into plant usable forms. Purification of water through the percolation process that relies on good soil structure. Storage and cycling of carbon.