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Why do the trolls in The Hobbit turn to stone but not in Lord of the Rings?

Why do the trolls in The Hobbit turn to stone but not in Lord of the Rings?

In The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarf company encountered three trolls on their journey to Erebor. The trolls captured the Dwarves and prepared to eat them, but the wizard Gandalf managed to distract them until dawn, when exposure to sunlight turned them to stone.

Why did the trolls turn to stone?

In Scandinavian fairy tales, trolls turn to stone if caught in sunlight. They are Morgoth’s mockery of Ents and are divided into subtypes, such as hill-trolls, mountain-trolls, cave-troll, stone-trolls. And like in the Scandinavian tales, they turn to stone in sunlight.

Why didn’t the trolls turn to stone in the battle of the five armies?

Originally Answered: Why don’t the trolls from The battle of the five armies, in the Orc army don’t turn into stone when they come out to fight? Sauron managed to produce both orcs and trolls who could tolerate sunlight. Possibly by interbreeding with humans.

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What happens to the trolls in The Hobbit?

Gandalf returns and tricks the trolls into staying out past dawn and they turn to stone, because trolls must be underground during the day. Gandalf and Bilbo free the dwarves. They find the trolls’ secret cave and help themselves to food, clothes, swords, and gold coins, and then they go to sleep.

How are trolls described in The Hobbit?

The trolls in The Hobbit provide a little excitement and a lot of amusement. They are described as ugly, dumb, and rude–and they act that way, too! Their language is described as ”not drawing room fashion,” and when we first meet them, Bert and Tom are complaining about not having enough people to eat.

What does Gandalf repeatedly warn Bilbo and the dwarves?

As Bilbo and the dwarves go to bed, Gandalf warns them that they must not go outside until morning. During the night, Bilbo hears growling outside and wonders whether it is Beorn in the shape of a bear. When Bilbo awakes the next morning, Gandalf is gone and does not return until evening.

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Who are the trolls in The Hobbit?

The names of the trolls were Bert, Tom and William.

Do you see the stone trolls in Lord of the Rings?

The three petrified trolls can also be found in the Trollshaws both in The Lord of the Rings Online game, and in LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game. They can also be seen scattered throughout Eregion in The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. They make an appearance in LEGO The Hobbit: The Video Game.

What does Bilbo overhear the dwarves and Gandalf talking about when he is invisible?

When Bilbo emerges, he discovers that he is on the other side of the Misty Mountains; his wanderings inside have taken him through. Still invisible, he hears Gandalf and the dwarves arguing; Gandalf is saying that they must go back and rescue Bilbo.

How are trolls portrayed in the book The Hobbit?

Decades before Harry Potter however, trolls were portrayed in an unfavorable light in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. We meet these trolls first as Bilbo Baggins goes off to investigate a light that he and the dwarves have seen in the distance.

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What is the difference between Stone trolls and hill trolls?

Stone-trolls were trolls who turned into stone during daylight, like the trolls in The Hobbit. They could speak, and used a debased form of Westron. Hill-trolls are described in the chronology at one instance as having killed Arador, grandfather of Aragorn.

Why are there so many different types of trolls?

1 Answer 1. Because you have many different classes of troll, all with varying levels of sapience. Stone-trolls were trolls who turned into stone during daylight, like the trolls in The Hobbit. They could speak, and used a debased form of Westron.

How does Gandalf get the trolls to stop fighting?

Each troll thinks one of the others is the one who said this, and their quarreling starts afresh. With just a few well-placed comments, Gandalf is able to keep the trolls so distracted with shouting at and disparaging the others that they fail to notice the sun when it rises.