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Why do planes rock back and forth?

Why do planes rock back and forth?

The reason for this turbulence is that the air gets all stirred up as the wind flows around objects, buildings, trees, hills, and so forth, much like water in a river flowing around rocks on the bottom.

What is it called when planes circle before landing?

It’s called a holding pattern.

How do you stop ground resonance?

The wait-and-hope approach is only sometimes successful, so a better solution to ground resonance is to prevent it. Helicopters with multiple-blade rotors have shock-absorbing landing gear with powerful dampers that allow it to soak up the energy that would otherwise set the helicopter shaking.

What does it mean when a plane dips its wings?

The ‘wing-wave’, a gentle dip of the plane from one side to another, is generally done by cargo planes to say ‘goodbye’ as the aircraft will never again see the home airport where it was made. The move is also performed as a ‘thank you’ gesture to staff at the airbase.

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Why does the same plane keep flying over my house?

Why are airplanes flying over my house this week when they haven’t for months? Due to weather or wind conditions, aircraft are forced to use the most suitable runway to make safe landings. Also, when runways are closed for various reasons, aircraft must use other runways that bring them over different neighborhoods.

Do planes dump fuel before landing?

During a normal flight, the plan is to burn fuel so the plane’s weight will below that number by the time it lands. Some airplanes – usually larger ones – have the capability to dump fuel to reduce the landing weight. Dumping fuel can reduce the weight quickly, dumping thousands of pounds in a few minutes.

What causes ground resonance?

Causes and consequences Ground resonance is usually precipitated by a hard landing or an asymmetrical ground contact, and is more likely to occur when components of the landing gear or damping system are improperly maintained, such as the drag hinge dampers, oleo struts, or wheel tire pressure.

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What is harmonic sympathy?

Wikipedia explains it like this: “Sympathetic resonance or sympathetic vibration is a harmonic phenomenon wherein a formerly passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness.” To put it in simpler terms, it’s when two tones are played at the same time and one can hear …

How do pilots wave?

When touching down on an aircraft carrier, a pilot always initiates a wave-off by applying full thrust as a fail-safe measure. If the plane’s tail hook fails to catch any of the arrestor cables (known as a (deck) “bolter”) the aircraft can climb again.

Why do helicopter pilots circle around the landing spot?

Circling in a helicopter is the best way to view an area from all sides to look at the landing spot. When a helicopter pilot is landing at an unprepared area like a baseball diamond, city park, or even a hole in the trees out in the remote parts of the country, they have to look and assess several factors:

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How do you practice slow flight in aviation?

Performing the Slow Flight Maneuver Slow flight should be practiced in straight-and-level flight, straight-ahead climbs and climbing medium-banked (approximately 20 degrees) turns, and straight-ahead power- off gliding descents and descending turns to represent the takeoff and landing phases of flight.

Why do helicopters fly slower?

When the helicopter is at a slow speed the rotor system has to create all the lift just from the engine power. As the helicopter begins to accelerate the main rotor system begins get a hand from aerodynamics and the power required to keep the helicopter flying reduces.

What is the minimum height for slow flight in an airplane?

Slow flight in a single-engine airplane should be conducted so the maneuver can be completed no lower than 1,500 feet AGL, or higher, if recommended by the manufacturer. In all cases, practicing slow flight should be conducted at an adequate height above the ground for recovery should the airplane inadvertently stall.