
Does anyone still use Forth?

Does anyone still use Forth?

Forth is still used today in many embedded systems (small computerized devices) because of its portability, efficient memory use, short development time, and fast execution speed. Forth is a simple yet extensible language; its modularity and extensibility permit the writing of high-level programs such as CAD systems.

Is Forth any good?

Forth is a very satisfying environment for a programmer. It’s totally interactive. The interpreter – which is generally quite small – lives in your target system. It’s a bit like working with old-time Basic – change something and immediately test the new code.

What is the Forth programming language used for?

Forth is used in the Open Firmware boot loader, in space applications such as the Philae spacecraft, and in other embedded systems which involve interaction with hardware.

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Is Forth interpreted?

A standard Forth system is also an interpreter, and the same output can be obtained by typing the following code fragment into the Forth console: CR . ( Hello, World!) .

Is forth a useful language?

FORTH is as useful as any Turing Complete language. I like the whole idea of a nifty little language developed by Charles Moore of Moore’s Law fame. With it being both compiled and interpreted one gets very high performance. Many years ago I wrote a FORTH implementation for GEOS on a C64 with a macro assembler.

What is the history of Forth programming?

FORTH, Inc.’s microFORTH was developed for the Intel 8080, Motorola 6800, and Zilog Z80 microprocessors starting in 1976. MicroFORTH was later used by hobbyists to generate Forth systems for other architectures, such as the 6502 in 1978. Wide dissemination finally led to standardization of the language.

What are the best books for learning Forth programming?

Authoritative Forth books: For programmers*, the Forth Programmer’s Handbook is the de facto reference manual, and Forth Application Techniques provides structured, app-building examples. The Forth programming language has evolved from its grass-roots beginnings.

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What is coding in forth like?

Coding in Forth is a little bit like writing assembly language, interactively, for a strange CPU architecture that doesn’t exist. Forth is a virtual machine, an interpreted command-line, and a compiler all in one.