Who is stronger than Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Who is stronger than Obi-Wan Kenobi?

1 Yoda Is The Strongest Of Them All During Obi-Wan’s life with the Jedi Order, Grand Master Yoda was one of the strongest Jedi in the entire order. Yoda’s abilities far surpassed Obi-Wan’s, he was easily able to deal with Count Dooku where both Anakin and Obi-Wan had failed.

Is Obi-Wan Kenobi stronger than Darth Vader?

28 Stronger: Obi-Wan Kenobi Despite his loss (which was really a win), Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Anakin as Vader, before he became mostly machine in Revenge of the Sith. Kenobi also defeated General Grievous and Darth Maul (twice) in single combat.

Can Obi-Wan beat Darth Sidious?

A serious answer would be a short “no”. Yoda deemed Obi-Wan not strong enough to defeat the Sith Lord in battle, which is why Obi went to fight Anakin/Vader. Sidious, however, defeated Master Yoda; and along with Darth Vader, the two brought even more terror into the galaxy for over two decades.

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Who would win in a fight Mace Windu or Obi Wan Kenobi?

Short Answer: Mace wins due to better combative viability. Long Answer: Mace Windu takes this quite handily. While Obi Wan is likely the greatest master of Soresu in the Galaxy’s history, something mace states himself in the ROTS Novel, there is still a problem that most don’t realize.

Is Obi Wan weak in the Force?

Obi-Wan Kenobi However, in the novel Rising Force, it’s made clear that he was considered weak in the Force, and was only trained at Qui-Gon’s insistence. What he lacked in raw Force power he made up for in his knowledge and understanding of the Force.

Was Obi-Wan the better duelist?

From what we’ve seen, Obi-Wan has never killed someone and almost never won a fight. Yet he’s considered the best duelist. He’s lost against thieves, bounty hunters, Dooku, Grievous, Ventress and still he’s supposed to be considered a threat. In the movies he even loses against Dooku two times.

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Could Obi-Wan beat Windu?

While Obi-Wan is my fav. in Star Wars and i consider him in the top 5 Mace wins. Shatterpoint, which reveals the weakest point, would give Windu quite an advantage over Obi-Wan. Vapaad, Mace Windu’s fighting style, would also prove quite a challenge for Kenobi.

Who would win Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda?

In his prime, Yoda would crush Obi-Wan under any and all circumstances. Hell, I’d go as far as to say he’d be a real threat to sidious. Prime Yoda>/=sidious>Anakin (mustafar) >/=Obi-wan. Prime Yoda crushes Obi-wan 10 times out of ten.