Are there really only two genders?

Are there really only two genders?

Regardless of what your opinion is… there are truly only TWO genders. Male and female, and that’s how it has always been. Gender is not any different than sex, and in agreeance with Ben Shapiro “I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjunctive sense of what you think you are.”

Can I identify as a third gender?

Gender is the state of being male or female, and there is no other option. You are born as a male or as a female and there is no other option. There is no third, fourth, or fifth gender. It does not exist. You shouldn’t be able to identify as whatever you please.

What determines the gender of a child?

The set of chromosomes that you are born with, either XX or XY is what dictates your gender. Your gender is determined far before the development of the fetus begins, and that’s all there is to it. With that being said, you cannot wake up one day and decide that you want to be a fish, can you?

Greene probably intended her assertion that there are “only two genders” as an argument against people who are assigned either male or female at birth and later decide to transition to the other of these genders. This argument, however, doesn’t actually work, because trans women are women and trans men are men.

Why do so many genders exist?

The reason “so many” genders exist is because so many people feel the exact same way and have agreed on a word to express themselves with. I can 100\% guarantee that no medical professional or medically trained scientist will argue against the Gender Spectrum Theory.

Why are more people choosing a third gender option?

A growing number of people refuse to be put into male or female categories, either because they do not identify as male or female, or because they are going through transition to the opposite gender. Germany, Australia, Nepal and Pakistan now offer a third gender option on official forms with other countries set to follow suit.

Are there only two genders according to the Bible?

The first argument is that there are only two genders according to “science.” The second argument is that there are only two genders according to the Bible. Unfortunately, even though these claims are not factually correct, they often still sound reasonable to a shockingly large number of Americans.

There are only two genders. Not three. Not four. Not the whole list I constantly see on social media. Biologically and scientifically speaking, there are only two genders. This anatomical, biological, scientific fact is not up for debate.

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Does science recognise more than two gender identities?

Science does recognise more than two gender identities. We know now that gender is a spectrum with male and female being the extremes. Same goes for sex by the way.

Why is the debate over gender and sexuality becoming increasingly heated?

With the increased acceptance in society of LGBTQ+ people, and the rise of the social justice movement, there has been increasingly heated debate over gender and sexuality.

Is it possible to be non-binary or gender fluid?

While being transgender is gradually becoming more and more accepted, there is still quite a bit of resistance to the idea of being non-binary, gender fluid, or not identifying as a gender at all. Many people still firmly believe that there is only male and female, guy or girl, man or woman.

Are gender and sex the same thing?

There are only two genders. Yes or No? Back up your answer with FACTS not opinions or feelings. Gender and sex are the same thing. Many people on here will try to convince you that sex is biological and gender is a social construct. This is not true. Gender and sex are both synonyms for each other.

How many genders are there in real life?

There are only two. The fact that you can’t quantify the more than two genders makes it nothing but fictional. Bye bye. If u can’t live with the gender u where born with. (either male or female), u can not change it, and u surely cannot make up another gender, u are not a fucking poly-atheist- sans-sexual binary male/pentamale.

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Is gender a matter of opinion or Feelz?

In the issue of gender it is psychological, not a matter of opinion or ‘feelz’. There is very little to dispute. There is not a definitive Man or Woman in the human gender identity. There is a Man and a Woman, but there is a whole spectrum in between where people can identify how they wish.

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Male and female, and that’s how it has always been. Gender is not any different than sex, and in agreeance with Ben Shapiro “I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjunctive sense of what you think you are.” Gender is the state of being male or female, and there is no other option.

Can another gender be added to the human race?

Male and female are the ONLY genders. Not another can be added. This is basic scientific fact. Chromosomes are only XX (Female) or XY (Male). Sometimes there are deformities such as XXY but those don’t make a new gender, its just a deformity. It blows my mind how people can actually believe there are more than two genders that exist today. Sigh