
Who is Stronger Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader?

Who is Stronger Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader?

As a cyborg, (that’s what I’m calling it), Vader’s physical strength is much stronger than Luke’s. In terms of the force, Vader is DEFINITELY stronger. IN lightsaber combat, while it’s a relatively close fight, Vader is more experienced and more gifted. So, yes, Vader is much stronger.

Who would win Darth Malak or Darth Vader?

Because Kotor 1 and 2 had come out this puts Vader ahead of Malak. Just better feats and scaling all around. However Malak does have the superior variety of powers. But unfortunately most are ineffective against Vader’s superior power.

Who would win Darth Sidious or Luke Skywalker?

For starters, Luke is definitely superior to Sidious in lightsaber combat. He did defeat the Emperor in a one-on-one saber duel during the events of Dark Empire, and it thus stands to reason that Luke would have far surpassed Sidious when he reached his prime, which is decades later.

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Who killed Palpatine legends?

Palpatine is killed by a blaster shot fired by Han, but his spirit is captured by the mortally wounded Jedi Empatojayos Brand. When Brand dies, he takes Palpatine’s spirit with him into the netherworld of the Force, destroying the Sith Lord once and for all.

Was Darth Revan both a Jedi and a Sith?

A Revan who was both Sith and Jedi, yet never both at the same time, is a Revan who never found his true power and strength. It should be noted, however, his teachings as a Sith would get passed down for many years to come. Darth Vader beat the Emperor in the end, using one of his own tactics he witnessed decades before with Mace Windu.

Is Darth Maul stronger than Darth Vader?

Darth Maul may be a fan favorite, but he could never be stronger than Darth Vader. Maul never had the mindset to take him to the next level — something Darth Sidious noticed early on in his training. Maul was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi twice and lost a lightsaber battle against Darth Sidious too (with Savage Opress fighting by his side).

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Is there anyone stronger than Darth Vader in Star Wars?

And they’re right, for the most part. Throughout the histories of Star Wars Legend and Canon, there have been a few individuals to exist who are stronger than Darth Vader. There’s also been many who have claimed to be more powerful than Vader, who in reality, aren’t.

How powerful is Kylo Ren compared to Darth Vader?

It would be his teachings which would eventually influence Darth Plagueis and later Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. Kylo Ren might be the strongest dark side user in the new trilogy of Star Wars and the grandson of Anakin Skywalker, but he’s nowhere close to Darth Vader in terms of power and strength.