
What do you like about Britain?

What do you like about Britain?

The UK is a melting pot and we love that about the country. It’s a source of historical, cultural and culinary richness, and on full display in cities like London and Manchester. Britain is an eccentric, quirky nation. And mighty proud of it too.

What is good about being British?

To summarise: It is great to be British because it is great to identify with, and to support, Britain and its people – all those of us who possess and share in common, a particular history, an inheritance, a set of cultural traditions, and a distinct set of national icons and institutions.

What made Britain so great?

There is no doubt that Britain was powerful. It used its wealth, its armies and its navy to defeat rival European countries and to conquer local peoples to establish its empire. In most of the empire Britain relied heavily on local people to make it work.

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What is Britain the best at?

The fields the UK excels at. Courtesy G4S.

  • Healthcare. Shutterstock.
  • Pop, rock and dance music. Yakub88/Shutterstock.
  • Financial services. IR Stone/Shutterstock.
  • Financial technology. Rawpixel/Shutterstock.
  • Online shopping. Konstantin Kolosov/Shutterstock.
  • Clean growth. Shutterstock.
  • Offshore wind energy. Courtesy London Array.
  • What are the most British things to say?

    11 Bloody Brilliant British English Phrases

    1. “Fancy a cuppa?” meaning: “Would you like a cup of tea?”
    2. “Alright?” meaning: “Hey, how are you?”
    3. “I’m knackered!” meaning: “I’m tired.”
    4. Cheeky. meaning: playful; mischievous.
    5. “I’m chuffed to bits!” meaning “I’m very pleased.”
    6. Bloody. meaning: very.
    7. To bodge something.
    8. “I’m pissed.”

    What are the main British values?

    According DfE, ‘fundamental British values’ comprise:

    • democracy.
    • the rule of law.
    • individual liberty.
    • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.

    What are the UK values?

    The five British Values are:

    • Democracy.
    • The rule of law.
    • Individual liberty.
    • Mutual respect.
    • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
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    What has Britain done for the world?

    Let’s take a look at our top 7 world-changing British inventions.

    • Time. Bear with us.
    • The Steam Engine. The invention of train travel broadened the world’s horizons, speeding up industry and commerce and cheapening the cost of international trade.
    • The Electric Motor.
    • The World Wide Web.

    What do British say when excited?

    “That’s real good nosh!” “Nosh” is a British expression for “food.” “Buzzin’” can mean to be tipsy or slightly drunk, “I’m buzzin’ after that pint.” It’s also British slang for being excited or very happy, “I just booked my holiday to Spain, I’m absolutely buzzin’.”

    What do you love most about the UK?

    From the obvious to the obscure, here are the 50 things we love about the UK – in no particular order: 1. The seaside From golden sands to pretty pebble beaches and dramatic white chalk cliffs, the seaside in the UK is simply stunning. 2. The Royals

    How many Brits are proud of Being Brits?

    Overall nine out of ten adults are proud to call themselves Brits with over a quarter admitting to a love of afternoon tea, according to the study of 1,000 Brits. And more than 90 per cent of the nation love living in Britain with the typical Brit taking one or two holidays a year in their home country.

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    What are the best things to do in Britain?

    There are plenty of iconic sights to see first-hand in Britain, including Big Ben – the name most commonly used to refer to the clock tower attached to the Houses of Parliament, although the name actually refers to the bell inside! Other notable sights include Blackpool Tower, the London Eye and Brighton Pier. 13) Eclectic architecture

    Where are the best places to live in the UK?

    Britain’s grand regency homes are ideal for classics like Pride and Prejudice, which saw Chatsworth House become the home of the dashing Mr Darcy. Its dramatic landscapes have also been recognised with Game of Thrones choosing to shoot much of season 3 in Northern Ireland.