Useful tips

Why does my fish spit out her food?

Why does my fish spit out her food?

Fish need to flex their gills while eating. Various branchial parasites can hinder this movement and it will spit out food. In addition, some external signs, such as a slimy layer or spots, can be signs of parasites on the animal’s body.

Are guppies picky eaters?

Feeding vegetables to your Guppy and Livebearer fishes is important since they are omnivores so they need the vegetables and the meat. However, not all Guppy and Livebearer fishes will go for vegetables, just like humans some are picky eaters! …

How do I know if I overfed my guppy?

Watch for signs of overfeeding.

  1. Tubes of waste dangling behind the fish are a sign of a blocked intestine from overeating.
  2. Adult male guppies develop a “potbelly” or bulging chest if they have too much fat in their diet.
  3. If your tank water gets cloudy and dirty frequently, excess food or waste may be the cause.
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Why is my guppy not eating food?

Guppy fish will stop eating due to various reasons such as expired or bad food, high level of stress or bullying, poor water parameters, low oxygen level or low temperature, disease or parasites, or even pregnancy. It is crucial to identify and treat these problems in time.

What is the fish that spits water?

Archerfish boast an unusual talent: They hunt by spitting powerful streams of water out of their mouths at unsuspecting above-water insects.

Can guppies eat banana?

As mentioned above, guppies can eat banana, grapes, apples and other fruits too. You can mix fruits into their diet.

Do guppies rest on the bottom?

Guppies do not sleep like humans. When lights are turned off, the fish will stop swimming and becomes inactive. Guppies may choose to rest on the substrate at the bottom of your tank, on plant leaves, decoration or at the surface of the water.

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How do you tell if you are underfeeding fish?

Fish that go to scavenge, but don’t usually scavenge, or go inspect the top of the aquarium, something they wouldn’t usually do, are both indications of hunger. If your fish is smaller, particular in weight and overall dimensions than that specific type of fish should be, it could be a sign of underfeeding.

How many times a day should you feed guppies?

Feed adult guppies once or twice a day. At least one meal should consist of live food. Unlike young fish, whose frequent meals support rapid development, adults function well with fewer meals.

Are guppies surface feeders?

Guppies are opportunistic feeders and live just below the surface of the water. They will consume the organic matter that may fall through the surface.

Is fish yawning bad?

Fish do not yawn, at least not the way we do. They do open their mouths sometimes, but that is typically to attract mates or deter aggressors. They do not breath in the same way we do, since they do not live in an environment of air. Water passes through gills, allowing the fish to absorb it.