
Is Please be advised polite?

Is Please be advised polite?

‘please advise’ is both polite and quick, without being curt. Granted, should only be used in cases when it’s clear what is being asked; if there is any ambiguity, don’t use it. Rather, write out what you are asking the person to advise you on.

Which is correct Please be informed or Please be advised?

Please be informed is the correct form. Example: You read a newsitem, the information that your have as a result is due to something that took place in the past, when you read it.

How do you use please advise in a sentence?

They used “Please advise” in their opening sentences, their closing sentences, and sometimes in the middle, like this: Please advise of shipping status. Please advise what happened with the delivery. If you have any questions or concerns, please advise.

Do I need a comma after Please be advised?

Please is an adverb that functions as an interjection in polite requests. It can go at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. Whether please is preceded or followed by a comma depends on where it is placed in a sentence. If please comes at the end of a sentence then you should almost always use a comma before it.

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Why do people say please be advised?

“Please be advised” is a phrase used to notify someone that you will inform them of something.

How do you say please be advised?

Here are a few possible synonyms for “please advise”:

  1. Let me know.
  2. Get back to me.
  3. Can you give me your thoughts, answers, or input?
  4. Give me the information I already asked for in the body of this email.
  5. I’m waiting for you to respond.

How do you say please be informed politely?

I would add that “please be informed” is acceptable and in ordinary use. The versions with “kindly” are superfluous and essentially problematic because of their ambiguous ‘tone. ‘

What is please be advised mean?

What is the meaning of “Please be advised”? Simply put, it means “please be aware” or “let it be known.” It comes before important information and is a way of highlighting this important information.

What does it mean to be advised?

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advised; advising. Essential Meaning of advise. 1 : to give an opinion or suggestion to someone about what should be done : to give advice to (someone) I strongly advise you to sell your old car.

Is it kindly advise or advice?

What is it you should thank them for giving you—advise or advice? Advise is a verb that means to suggest what should be done, to recommend, or to give information to someone. The S of advise sounds like a Z. Advice is a noun that means a suggestion about what you should do.

What can I say instead of Please be advised?

Here are a few possible synonyms for “please advise”:

  • Let me know.
  • Get back to me.
  • Can you give me your thoughts, answers, or input?
  • Give me the information I already asked for in the body of this email.
  • I’m waiting for you to respond.

What can I use instead of Please be advised?

What’t is the difference between ‘Please Be advised’?

While “please be advised” tells the reader that they should be aware of the ensuing information, “please advise” is actually a request for information. “Please advise” literally means “please give us advice on the matter.” Here are a few examples:

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What does Please Advise means?

In the business world, “please advise” is usually used as a polite and businesslike general-purpose phrase for asking the other party to tell, inform, notify, clarify, suggest, etc, some information or issue when it becomes available. Please advise if this answer is suitable. You get the general idea.

How to use “advise” in a sentence?

They advise me to strengthen myself with nourishing food in the meanwhile.

  • Philip was not the man to advise in a matter which at the time required a heroic faith.
  • I could merely advise you to follow the old instructions of being kind and considerate.
  • Each Superintendent please acknowledge and advise all agents on your division by wire.
  • How do you spell advice?

    Correct spelling for the English word “advice” is [ɐdvˈa͡ɪs], [ɐdvˈa‍ɪs], [ɐ_d_v_ˈaɪ_s]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Click here to check the spelling and grammar. Spellcheck.