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Can you hit a colour into another colour in snooker?

Can you hit a colour into another colour in snooker?

Yes it’s a foul. Usually there is no nomination if the target colour is obvious, and the referee will call a foul if they have to. This is in line with the spirit of the game where you should nominate, but don’t have to.

What happens when the cue ball is potted?

Games such as one-pocket may call for an object ball from the fouling player’s count (total number of balls potted by them) to be respotted onto the table, so the fouling player loses one point from their total score. (Ball-in-hand is taken behind the head string.)

Can you sink 2 reds in a row in snooker?

Yes, If you are on a red, and two red balls go down with the same stroke, you receive two points and carry on to the colour.

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Is potting the opponent’s ball in Pool A foul?

You must legally contact your ball (8-ball), first. Also, in most leagues and tournaments, the 8-ball must be called. Your opponent will play the next shot.. thats not counted as foul if you accidentally pot the opponent’s ball..

Why do snooker players have to nominate a Colour?

Eg if the yellow and black are close to each other and you play to clip the yellow really thinly but instead miss it by a mm and hit the black the opponent wouldn’t know if it was intentional or not and therefore a foul, and therefore 7pt penalty, which is why you need to nominate the ball so that everyone knows what …

What happens if a snooker is impossible to escape from?

According to the official rules of snooker, if there is an impossible to excape snooker, the player is given foul but not the miss. It implies that there is no option to put balls back and return postion, so the player should play from the position where the ball stopped.

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What happens if you make your ball and opponents ball in pool?

Did you accidentally make one of your opponent’s balls in and you’re wondering what happens next? The short answer: As long as you hit your ball first and did not scratch, there is no foul. It is simply your opponent’s turn now.

Why do snooker referees call out the score?

There are three reasons for this: 1) Both players are left in no doubt about the current state of the game. 2) If the referee has made an arithmetic error, it is caught immediately.

Do flukes count in snooker?

4) It does not ban flukes. The rub of the green, run of the balls are still in effect. Players can miss and leave nothing on, lay an unintended snooker, miss a ball and leave their opponent hampered – luck and flukes take many forms in snooker, and having to nominate a pocket won’t change that.

What happens if the ball is snookered by a red?

If the ball on is a colour ball that is snookered by a red, a previous red must have been successfully potted; the snooker therefore must be self-inflicted and cannot have occurred as the result of a foul.

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What is a pot in snooker?

Snooker terminology: Pot – to put a ball into a pocket (and have it stay there) Foul – to do something against the rules Snookered – to be unable to roll the cueball in a straight line and hit the ball chosen.

How do you remember the colours on a snooker table?

To remember the order of the colours in the “D” area, think of “G”od “B”less “Y”ou for Green, Brown, Yellow as you look at them from the end of the table. Ball Terminology: Ball values: Snooker terminology: Snookered – to be unable to roll the cueball in a straight line and hit the ball chosen.

What happens when you pot a red ball in golf?

The red stays in the pocket. 5 – If you pot that colour (which is now the ball ON), then you score the value of the colour and your next shot must be a red. The colour goes back on its own spot. If it doesn’t fit on its spot, then it goes on the highest valued spot available.