
How did the United States combat German submarines?

How did the United States combat German submarines?

In early 1917, German submarines were sinking one in every four ships that sailed from British ports. To combat the submarine threat, the British and U.S. started grouping merchant ships in convoys and protecting them with escorts. Submarine sinkings dropped dramatically.

What is the difference between a U-boat and a submarine?

There is no difference. U-boat (it’s actually U-boot, for unterseeboot) means under-sea boat. Submarine means under-sea too. U-boat was the German name for their submarines (unterseaboten – my best try attempt at German).

Why did submarines surface in WW2?

World War II submarines were basically surface ships that could travel underwater for a limited time. Diesel engines gave them high surface speed and long range, but speed and range were severely reduced underwater, where they relied on electric motors powered by relatively short-lived storage batteries.

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How many submarines did Germany have in ww2?

In World War II Germany built 1,162 U-boats, of which 785 were destroyed and the remainder surrendered (or were scuttled to avoid surrender) at the capitulation. Of the 632 U-boats sunk at sea, Allied surface ships and shore-based aircraft accounted for the great majority (246 and 245 respectively).

What’s the difference between AU boat and a submarine?

Why is au boat not a submarine?

U-boats were diesel-electric and needed air for the diesels to recharge batteries. They had to snorkel or surface to get the air and were limited by that requirment and hence were not true submarines.

How were American submarines different from German submarines in WW2?

American submarines in WWII had significant differences from their German counterparts. To begin-with, they were much larger, weighing as much as 300 tons more and being typically about 60 feet longer and 10 feet or so wider in the beam.

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Did the Japanese Navy have an anti-submarine capability like the US Navy?

But US submarines never had to face an enemy with the anti-submarine capability like the US Navy or the Royal Navy. The Japanese Navy had very poor anti-submarine forces, since they had never placed much priority on the matter

What was it like to be on a U-boat in WW2?

The German sub commanders referred to it as “the happy times”. By war’s end, with all the anti-submarine systems developed by both the British and Americans and adopted by both, and with the compromise of the German code machines, going out on a U-boat patrol was a virtual death sentence if your captain actually engaged.

How fast did US submarines go in WW2?

US submarines in WW2 were, with very few exceptions, fleet boats that were designed to operate with the battle fleet. That led to some specific design features. They were fast compared to other submarines, with a top speed surfaced of 20-21 knots, the same as the battleships.