
What is the difference between excess grant and supplementary grant?

What is the difference between excess grant and supplementary grant?

Definition: The additional grant required to meet the required expenditure of the government is called Supplementary Grants. The Demand for Excess Grants is made after the actual expenditure is incurred and is presented to the Parliament after the end of the financial year in which the expenses were made.

What is supplementary grant?

Additional Grant: It is granted when a need has arisen during the current financial year for additional expenditure upon some new service not contemplated in the budget for that year. A demand for the grant of a token sum (of Re 1) is submitted to the vote of the Lok Sabha and if assented, funds are made available.

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What is token grant Quora?

Token Grants are a practise as part of the annual funding estimates that indicate “Okay, we know that this new operation is going to cost something to run, but it isn’t clear enough yet for us to have a total and explicit number.”

Why is the need for a supplementary budget?

A supplementary budget serves to encourage debate on the budget aggregates and how they interact with the economy. As such, it also serves to create appropriate expectations for the Page 11 3 budget itself. It should be released prior to the introduction of the budget proposal.

What is supplementary budget and how it is done?

Supplementary budget: This budget forecasts the budget of the coming year with regards to revenue and expenditure. It is a system of budget in which all government expenditures must be justified for each new period.

What is supplementary budget?

Supplementary Budget is the request for additional funds by Ministries and Departments during the course of the year.

What are the different types of grants?

There are two main types of grants available through the federal government: 1) Categorical and 2) Block Grants, that also include Project, Formula and Matching Grants. Block grants provide funding for eligible activities identified in authorizing legislation.

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What is meant by token cut?

Token Cut Motions A Token Cut motion is moved so that that the amount of the demand be reduced by Rs. 100. This is to ventilate a specific grievance that is within the sphere of the responsibility of the Government of India. The discussion thereon shall be confined to the particular grievance specified in the motion.

How many types of cut motion are there?

There are three types of cut motion.

What is complementary budget?

A complementary or supplementary budget contains proposed amendments to the main annual budget. This is the mechanism with which the government seeks legislative approval for spending that differs from the original budget and appropriations.

What are supplementary or additional grants?

Description: When grants, authorised by the Parliament, fall short of the required expenditure, an estimate is presented before the Parliament for Supplementary or Additional grants. These grants are presented and passed by the Parliament before the end of the financial year.

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What is the difference between additional and excess grant?

Additional Grant: It is granted when a need has arisen during the current financial year for supplementary or additional expenditure upon some new service not contemplated in the Budget for that year. Excess Grant: It is granted when money has been spent on any service during a financial year in excess of the amount granted for that year.

What is meant by supplymentary grant?

1)supplymentary grant: when we were in school/college and wrote the examination. if we run out of supplymentary then we asked for more supplymentary. similarly, if ministriy feels that the grant received through appropriation bill is not sufficient for a particular service, then she can asked for more.

What issupplementary grant?

Supplementary Grant : It is granted when amount authorized by Parliament for a service is found to be insufficient for that year. Like a service was authorized 10 Crore Rupees in the Budget,but this amount is found to be less for proper implementation of that service.