
What do libraries do with dust jackets?

What do libraries do with dust jackets?

Public and school libraries tend to keep dust jackets to enhance circulation, especially in children’s collections.

What can I do with book jackets?

I have to admit, I always removed the book jackets/ dust covers from my classroom library….

  • Rock & Block Play. Materials.
  • Book Jacket Stick Puppets. Materials.
  • Book Jacket Mobiles. Materials.
  • Book Jacket Prompts.
  • Working with Words.
  • Exploring Typography.

Why do hardcover books have sleeves?

These paper coverings are designed to protect a book’s cloth cover as the book travels from the publisher to your bookshelf. Some readers remove their dust jackets—or even use them as bookmarks!

What do you do with your dust jackets?

Those with dust jackets, get the jackets wrapped with cellophane for the same reason. I take the dust jacket off when reading, but after i read a book they go in plastic sleeves with a slick cardboard type back that are usually used for comic books or magazines. It also looks really clean on a bookshelf.

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Do You Keep your books in their dust jackets?

I prefer to keep vintage books in their dust jackets, and modern books out of them. I use either the front or back flap as a bookmark, depending on where I am in the book. I would never throw them away, I feel it helps to keep the book in good condition. Lostshadows wrote: “I hate the way they slide while I’m reading.

Why buy junjuniper books dust jackets only?

Juniper Books offers Dust Jackets Only editions of some of our most popular sets so you can decorate books you already own, making it a great option for any bibliophile. These jackets enhance the look of bestselling book series and make a statement on your shelves.

What kind of books do we offer book jackets for?

We offer jackets for popular series such as Harry Potte r, The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and A Series of Unfortunate Events, so you can make all of your favorite adventures even more magical. Find unique cover designs for all those stories you know you’ll return to again and again.