
How are people born in American Samoa treated differently than those in all the other US territories?

How are people born in American Samoa treated differently than those in all the other US territories?

Despite American Samoa’s status as a U.S. territory, the people who are born there aren’t technically U.S. citizens. They’re called U.S. nationals, a status that means they pay American taxes but cannot vote, run for office, or serve on a jury. It boils down to American Samoa’s unincorporated status.

Do American Samoans have American passports?

American Samoa, in the South Pacific Ocean, has an unusual status with respect to the United States: It is considered an unincorporated U.S. territory. Historically, people born there have had no claim to U.S. citizenship, though they carry U.S. passports.

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Can I live in American Samoa as a US citizen?

Citizens of the United States are allowed indefinite visa free entry into American Samoa. However a passport is still needed for entry. Citizens of the United States can live, work and travel indefinitely while in American Samoa.

Are people born in US territories automatically U.S. citizens?

U.S. territories The Fourteenth Amendment applies to incorporated territories, so people born in incorporated territories of the U.S. are automatically U.S. citizens at birth.

Are you a US citizen if you were born in American Samoa?

Unlike citizens of other U.S. territories who are U.S. citizens, American Samoans are U.S. nationals. However, neither citizens nor nationals of U.S. territories vote in Federal elections and pay Federal taxes.

What US territories are not US citizens?

The United States holds 14 undisputed territories, five of which are inhabited: Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Of these, only individuals born in American Samoa are not considered United States citizens.

Do American Samoans pay US taxes?

Can you move to American Samoa?

If you plan to move to American Samoa, you’ll need a non-immigrant visa, but obtaining one of these visas might require you to have already secured employment in American Samoa, in which case, you might have to visit the island first as a prospective job applicant. Apply for a non-immigrant visa.

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Can I buy a house in American Samoa?

Samoan law restricts the sale of most property to anyone with less than 50\% Samoan ancestry. “There are still blood quantum racial restrictions on the ownership and alienation of land,” Williams said.

Are Samoans considered Americans?

American Samoa has been a U.S. territory since 1900 and has the highest rate of military service in the U.S. Those born in the cluster of Polynesian islands 2,500 miles southwest of Hawaii, however, are American nationals — not citizens.

Are American Samoans considered US citizens?

American Samoa has been a US territory since 1900. Those born in the other US territories – Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and the Northern Marianas – all get citizenship at birth, but that was determined by statute in Congress. No such law exists for American Samoa. READ: Federal court ruling on US citizenship for American Samoans

Does the State Department refuse to recognize birthright citizenship in American Samoa?

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The State Department’s policy and practice of refusing to recognize birthright citizenship of people born in American Samoa “violates the Fourteenth Amendment,” according to the lawsuit. This article of the U.S. Constitution states that all people born in the U.S. “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” are citizens.

How do you become a citizen of American Samoa?

A U.S. territory since 1900, American Samoa is different from Samoa, a nearby independent nation. “In order to get citizenship you need to have the sense among the U.S. Congress that the population on the island wants the citizenship and you have to have a U.S. Congress willing to give the citizenship,” Erman said.

Can the 10th Circuit affirm American Samoans’ right to citizenship?

We should no longer deny persons born there the benefits and rights to which all people born on U.S. soil are entitled. Doing so only perpetuates systems that foster stigma and division in our communities. The 10th Circuit can and must affirm American Samoans’ right to citizenship.
