
What is the closest domestic cat to a bobcat?

What is the closest domestic cat to a bobcat?

Breed standard Pixie-bobs are a fully domestic breed of cat selected and bred to resemble the North American bobcat. Pixie-bobs can be large but on average reach around 11 lb (5 kg), similar to good sized domestic cats, with only very few breeders producing consistently large cats.

Can bobcat kittens be domesticated?

He was not an ordinary feline, but a kitty from the wild — a bobcat, as such creatures are called in many parts of the U.S.; they are wild animals, even when captured very young, are not easily domesticated and seldom make good pets.

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Can you have a bobcat as a pet?

Bobcats can make excellent pets, but only for an owner who is prepared to handle their needs as an exotic pet. However, bobcats actually make excellent pets for the right owner. The trouble is deciphering what the ‘right owner’ of a small exotic feline is. Exotic pet owners are not a typical breed of caretaker.

How can I tell if my kitten is a bobcat?

Bobcats have dark spotted fur with dark stripes on their legs. They have big feet with elongated back legs. Look for the distinctive short, bobbed tail. Check the overall size of the kitten—bobcats are twice the size of most domestic cats.

Is there a domesticated bobcat?

Is it legal to own a bobcat?

States Where Bobcat Ownership is Legal Owning bobcats for private purposes or as a pet is legal in several states. These states include Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin.

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How do you tell if a kitten is a bobcat?

Do Bobcat x domestic cat hybrids exist?

The stories of bobcat x domestic cat hybrids have an historical interest today but no more. For example Lex Cooper in Seattle believed she had two bobcat hybrids in the late 1980s. They were large cats and unusual in appearance and behaviour but DNA testing was not done on these cats.

Is it dangerous to breed a bobcat with a domestic cat?

There is no such danger to the American bobcat which supports the view that interbreeding with the domestic cat is not a serious issue and it would appear to be very rare. There are at least three breeds of cat that were at one time thought by some (or promoted by some people) to have been domestic cat x bobcat hybrids.

Can a tabby cat breed with a bobcat?

At one time the American Bobtail, a domestic cat breed, was rumored to have been the product of a tabby cat mating with a wild bobcat, but genetic analysis has disproven that claim. There have been many wild species successfully used in hybridization, but bobcat isn’t one of them.

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Are there any real wild cat hybrid breeds?

Because of the interest in wild cat hybrids, there was a time in the late 1900s when there was a bit of a rush to turn out new wild cat hybrid breeds. This resulted in claims that some breeds were genuine wild hybrids but subsequent DNA testing has established that the cats are pure domestic cats with some bobcat appearance traits.