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Can baby guppies live alone?

Can baby guppies live alone?

As guppies are usually seen in groups, many new fish keepers wonder whether they can keep one guppy on its own. It’s absolutely fine to keep one guppy alone, particularly if you own a very small tank which would cause cramped conditions if you were to keep several.

Is it okay to separate baby guppies with adults?

Separate males and females if you don’t want more babies. Female guppies usually start to reproduce at 2 to 3 months of age. Additionally, they can store sperm for up to 3 months. If you don’t want more babies, you’ll need to separate your male and female fry once they reach about 6 to 8 weeks old.

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What do you do with an unwanted guppy baby?

What to do With Unwanted Guppy Fry?

  1. 5 Things You Can do With Guppy Fry.
  2. Just Leave Them with Their Parents.
  3. Separate Them from Their Parents.
  4. Give Guppy Fry Away to Friends.
  5. Grow Out Guppy Fry and Sell for Profit.
  6. Conduct Selective Breeding.

How do you separate baby guppies?

Here is couple of methods that you can use to save your guppy fry: If you don’t have a separate tank, you can use a bigger glass jar or plastic container to separate the pregnant female from the rest of the adults. Extract the female from your main tank, only when she started giving birth.

How long do baby guppies need to be separated?

Make sure that you give your guppies enough time to grow up before allowing them into the rest of the tank with the other guppies if you’re keeping them separate. Again, around two weeks is a good amount of time.

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Can guppy fry live alone?

Can Guppy Fry Live Alone? If you’re talking about individual fry, they can’t live alone. However, a group of guppy fry can and should always be left alone. Guppies practice filial cannibalism, which means they eat their own offspring.

How long should I keep baby guppies separated?

Is it OK to let guppies eat their fry?

Guppy fish eating their own offspring is a widespread phenomenon in home aquaria, and first-time breeders are always recommended not to leave guppy fry in the same aquarium with adult guppies. Unfortunately, if you leave guppy babies in the same tank with adult fish, the adults will end up decimating their own fry.

Can guppy live without air pump?

Using Live Aquatic Plants to Produce Oxygen in Your Aquarium Using live plants, you will be able to create a self-sustaining ecosystem, which does not require an air-stone or water pump. Guppies will consume the oxygen from the water and will release CO2.

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Do guppies need aerators?

Like other freshwater fish, guppies also love clean and aerated water. Stagnant water in a fish tank is not a suitable environment for your guppies. That’s why the answer to the “do guppies need a bubbler” question is – yes. Without filtration and oxygenation, your guppies wouldn’t be able to survive that long.