Useful tips

Which function is used to reposition?

Which function is used to reposition?

seekg() function
Explanation: seekg() function is used to reposition a file pointer in a file. The function takes the offset and relative position from where we need to shift out pointer. 15.

Which function is used to know the current position of cursor in file?

The tell() method returns the current file position in a file stream.

Which function is used to move cursor to specified position on column?

In Python, seek() function is used to change the position of the File Handle to a given specific position. File handle is like a cursor, which defines from where the data has to be read or written in the file.

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Which function is used to position back from the end of the file?

member function seekg
Explanation: The member function seekg is used to position back from the end of file object.

Which function is used to know the current location of the foot pointer?

Explanation: The ftell() function returns the current position of the file pointer in a stream. Syntax of ftell() function: long int ftell(FILE *stream)

Which function is used to know the current location of the output pointer?

ftell () function gives current position of file pointer.

Which key is used to move the cursor?

arrow keys help to move the cursor on the screen of a computer.

Which statement moves the cursor to the specified position on the screen?

The Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line of typed characters, the End key moves it to the end. PgUp is an abbreviation for Page Up, and moves your cursor up one page, and PgDn moves it down one page.

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What is the function of getch () in C programming?

getch() method pauses the Output Console until a key is pressed. It does not use any buffer to store the input character. The entered character is immediately returned without waiting for the enter key.

How to get the current position of cursor from output screen in C?

How to get the current position of cursor from output screen in C? The given task is to get the current position of the cursor from the output screen in C. Approach: There is a predefined function wherex () in C language that returns the x coordinate of the cursor in the current output screen.

Is it possible to add a cursor to a C program?

Keep in mind that this is not a standardised solution, and therefore your code will not be platform independent. The C language itself doesn’t have any notion of a screen with a cursor. You’ll have to use some kind of library that provides this support. curses is the most well-known and widely available library for terminal control.

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How to get the X and Y coordinates of cursor in C?

Approach: There is a predefined function wherex () in C language that returns the x coordinate of the cursor in the current output screen. And wherey () function that returns the y coordinate of the cursor in current output screen. Both the functions are defined in conio.h headerfile.

How to move the cursor to a specific row and column?

to move the cursor to a specific row and column (where the top left corner is {1,1}). You’d be better off using ncurses, though (or the equivalent for your platform). In case you are talking about ncurses library, the function you are after is move (row, column).