
Can you put out a white phosphorus fire?

Can you put out a white phosphorus fire?

The generally accepted device for overcoming this difficulty is the use of solutions of a copper salt, since this reagent apparently reacts with phosphorus according to Equations 1, 2, and 3 to form an unignitable pellicle of copper phosphide and copper over the phosphorus ( 2 ).

How do you stop white phosphorus burning?

Immediately wash eyes with large amounts of cool water for at least 15 minutes. Keep exposed eyes covered with wet compresses to prevent white phosphorus particles from re-igniting.

How long does it take for white phosphorus to burn out?

WP particles can burn combustible items upon contact until it has completed its reaction with oxygen, which can last up to 15 minutes depending on the munition.

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What do you do if you get white phosphorus on you?

Emergency Department Care

  1. Avoid contact with ignited white phosphorus, as that may result in a chemical burn injury to the health care provider.
  2. Continue irrigation; do not allow areas of exposure to dry, as that may result in re-ignition of white phosphorus.

What causes Phossy jaw?

Phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, commonly called ‘phossy jaw’, was a really horrible disease and overwhelmingly a disease of the poor. Workers in match factories developed unbearable abscesses in their mouths, leading to facial disfigurement and sometimes fatal brain damage.

What Colour does phosphorus burn?

Common elements

Symbol Name Color
P Phosphorus Pale bluish green
Pb Lead Blue/white
Ra Radium Crimson
Rb Rubidium Red-violet

What is the difference between napalm and white phosphorus?

Napalm is the most notorious incendiary substance, but it is only one of more than 180. White phosphorus munitions cause particularly severe injuries, including chemical burns down to the bone.

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Is white phosphorus illegal?

Because it has legal uses, white phosphorus is not banned as a chemical weapon under international conventions. It is a colorless or yellowish translucent wax-like substance that smells a bit like garlic and ignites on contact with oxygen.

What is white phosphorus and how does it burn?

White phosphorus is pyrophoric (self-ignites on contact with air), burns fiercely, and can ignite cloth, fuel, ammunition, and other combustibles. In addition to its offensive capabilities, white phosphorus is a highly efficient smoke-producing agent, reacting with air to produce an immediate blanket of phosphorus pentoxide vapor.

What should I do if I am exposed to white phosphorus?

Seek medical attention immediately. 1 Immediately remove the patient/victim from the source of exposure. 2 Immediately wash eyes with large amounts of cool water for at least 15 minutes. 3 Keep exposed eyes covered with wet compresses to prevent white phosphorus particles from re-igniting.

What kind of training is needed to fight a white phosphorus fire?

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Specific training for white phosphorus fires may be a military fire fighting specialty, since WP is used in some ordnance. Civilian firefighters would follow hazmat guidance and treat it as a class D flammable metal fire.

What is the common name for white phosphorus?

White phosphorus is used in smoke, illumination, and incendiary munitions, and is commonly the burning element of tracer ammunition. Other common names include WP and the slang term “Willie Pete” or “Willie Peter” derived from William Peter, the World War II phonetic alphabet for “WP”, which is still sometimes used in military jargon.