
What makes a person street smart?

What makes a person street smart?

Being street smart means you have a good environmental or situational understanding. You know what’s going on around you. More importantly, you can see what’s happening around you. You are able to make judgments on the scenario, the place, and people around you, and you are able to trust these personal judgments.

How do you get street smart?

How To Become Street-Smart Even If You’re Not Book-Smart

  1. Blaming your troubles on others.
  2. Believing you’re unbiased.
  3. Choosing what feels most certain rather than what’s most logical.
  4. Refusing to admit you’re wrong.
  5. Gravitating to oversimplified explanations.
  6. Lusting after cures while dismissing prevention.

What is an example of being street smart?

Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers when you’re alone or with other kids. Whether you’re walking to school or to the bus, hanging out on the playground, or riding your bike in your neighborhood, being street smart helps you stay safe.

What are the best street smart tips you can give?

10 Simple Tips For Staying Street Smart

  • 1) Always Stay Alert and Aware of Your Surroundings.
  • 2) Present Yourself as Confident.
  • 3) Make Note of Police, Fire and Other Important Facilities.
  • 4) Stick to Well-Lit and Populated Areas.
  • 5) Carry Belongings Close to Your Body.
  • 6) Park Near Other Cars and/or in Well-Lit Areas.
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How do I know if Im street smart?

Signs You Have Street Smarts

  • You Stay Aware Of Your Surroundings.
  • You Have A Self-Assured Walk.
  • You Know How To Blend In.
  • You Don’t Get Easily Intimidated.
  • You Aren’t Afraid To Tell People To Back Off.
  • You Don’t Show Signs Of Weakness.
  • You Know How To Minimize Your Risk.
  • You Don’t Confront People Unnecessarily.

How can students become street smart?

Get different perspectives. Having access to more people’s thoughts will give you a better idea of how people think and what’s going on out there. Don’t just keep to yourself; ask people for advice and opinions. Increase your points of reference by tapping into people’s knowledge.

What is street smart answer?

‘Street smart’ is the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment.

How do you become street smart in Chicago?

Hide valuables and flashy jewelry when you’re out and about, or, better yet, leave them at home. Keep your purse or bags close to you and in clear view in restaurants and in bars. Never leave your belongings unattended, especially on trains or buses. Be polite but insistent with panhandlers.

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How can I be street smart buzzfeed?

People Are Sharing Tips For Being “Street Smart” And Wow, I Never Thought Of These

  1. Go “live” as a weapon:
  2. If a car is following you, turn around and run the opposite way:
  3. Have a script for unsafe rides:
  4. Turn off your phone if you’re arrested:
  5. Don’t blatantly stare:
  6. Have a code word:
  7. Let them take your purse:

Which is better book smart or street smart?

What Are Book Smarts and Street Smarts? Simply put, a person who has book smarts is someone who is intelligent and well educated academically. Street-smart people are unintelligent and incapable of achieving a higher education, but are more passionate and can usually find an answer to a problem through trial and error.

How do you raise a street smart child?

Age Appropriate Ways to Help Our Children Become Street Smart

  1. Read them books about the world around them.
  2. Teach them not to walk or play in the street.
  3. Get them comfortable with using the phone to dial 911 in the case of an emergency.
  4. Make up a song to help them memorize their phone number.

How can I be street smart in Nigeria?

Are You Street Smart? Consider These 10 Safe and Handy Tips

  1. Know Where You’re Going.
  2. Know Where Your Stuff Is.
  3. Always Carry Your Phone.
  4. Don’t Trust (Almost) Anyone.
  5. Pick Your Streets Smart.
  6. Travel in Packs.
  7. Don’t Let Your Music Drown You Out.
  8. Ignore All the Jerks.
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What does it mean to be street smart?

“Street smart people are able to assess situations and make safe, smart decisions,” Singleton says. Often, that means changing the way you planned to go. And that’s totally OK. 12. You Don’t Leave Without A Plan

How do you gain street smarts?

Don’t act or sound too smart, lest you piss people off and invite their wrath. You gain street smarts by becoming familiar with the streets, being out in the element, unprotected. You learn by experience, as with everything else in life. I lived on the streets for a while in my teens, when my mother threw me out of our New York City apartment.

Are You street smart enough to avoid creepy situations?

If so, you always listen to your gut and avoid strolling into creepy situations. “Street smart people are able to assess situations and make safe, smart decisions,” Singleton says. Often, that means changing the way you planned to go. And that’s totally OK.

How to be street smart when buying a house?

Ask for the person’s contact information and pass on to the real estate person. For easy access to the tips on work safety, school safety etc. The guide book is split into 13 different sections that offer you over 170 tips and ideas to help you become more street smart.