
When the speed of peripheral is not matching with speed of microprocessor is called?

When the speed of peripheral is not matching with speed of microprocessor is called?

What is asynchronous data transfer? It is a data transfer method which is used when the speed of I/O device does not match with the speed of the microprocessor. Asynchronous data transfer is also called as Handshaking. 6.

Which is used to transfer data between microprocessor and input output process?

The technique of data transfer between a microcomputer and an external device is called input/output (I/O). Interfaces provide all input and output transfers between the microcomputer and peripherals by using an I/O bus. An I/O bus carries three types of signals: device address, data, and command.

When the CPU and I O device match in exactly same speed data transfer technique can be used?

When the CPU and I/O devices match in speed,this technique of data transfer is employed. The data transfer with I/O devices is performed executing IN or OUT instructions for I/O mapped I/O devices or memory read/write instructions for memory mapped I/O devices.

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When a peripheral is connected with microprocessor in input output mode the data transfer takes place?

In this mode of data transfer the operations are the results in I/O instructions which is a part of computer program. Each data transfer is initiated by an instruction in the program. Normally the transfer is from a CPU register (Accumulator) to peripheral I/O device or vice-versa.

What takes care of the speed mismatch between processor and a device?

The speed mismatch between Processor and Memory in a computer is alleviated by using a small fast memory as an intermediate buffer between Memory and Processor.

What are different input and output devices of microprocessor?

In a microprocessor, ROM (read-only memory) and RAM (random access memory) are used. A data input device. The keyboard and mouse of a PC, for example, are data input devices. With a built-in controller, switches and sensors are input devices.

What is input output device in microprocessor?

The input-output (I/O) devices or peripherals provide the necessary data communications link between the microprocessor and its environment. Typically, information is accepted from the input devices, it is processed and the results of the data processing are then sent to one or more output devices.

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When DMA controller is used with CPU and IO devices which device initiate the operation?

The processor initiates the DMA controller by sending the starting address, Number of words in the data block and direction of transfer of data . i.e. from I/O devices to the memory or from main memory to I/O devices. More than one external device can be connected to the DMA controller.

Which device is both output and input?

The correct answer is Network Cards. Network Card is the hardware device used for networking. It is a circuit board located near the USB port at the back. Network cards work as both input as well and output devices.

How does the CPU determine the device it will communicate with?

To communicate with a particular device, the processor places a device address on address lines. Each Interface decodes the address and control received from the I/O bus, interprets them for peripherals and provides signals for the peripheral controller. Each peripheral has its own controller.

When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system it generates a n?

Discussion Forum

Que. When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system, it generates a(n)
b. Spool
c. Stack
d. Page file
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Which technique of data transfer is rarely used for I/O devices?

The I/O devices compatible with microprocessor in speed are usually not available.Hence,this technique of data transfer is rarely used for I/O devices.However,memories compatible with microprocessors are available, and therefore,this technique used with compatible memory devices.

What are the different data transfer techniques in 8085 microprocessor?

We can broadly classify the data transfer schemes into two modes – Serial Data Transfer and Parallel Data Transfer. Classification of the data transfer techniques in 8085 Our device, the Intel 8085 Microprocessor, is a parallel device. Thus, it transfers 8 bits of information simultaneously over 8 data lines in the parallel I/O mode.

Why do we need a microprocessor for data transfer?

A microprocessor is not used merely for running simple arithmetic operations or logical functionality. It also performs many Input-Output actions, data transfer functions, and a lot more! Why is Data Transfer needed? Why is Data Transfer needed? We can connect several I/O devices and memory peripherals to a microprocessor.

How does a microprocessor communicate with an I/O device?

Once the speeds match, the data transfer immediately begins, once a signal is issued by the microprocessor to begin transferring. The microprocessor need not wait for an extended period because of the matching speeds. This technique of data transfer is seldom used to communicate with I/O devices though.