Useful tips

What is the first instruction to execute when a computer is powered on and where is it located?

What is the first instruction to execute when a computer is powered on and where is it located?

Typically, the program counter starts at 0, so the first instruction is at the first position in the flash memory. This is also the location of vector table, or addresses where the processor is hardwired to jump to when interrupts of various types occur.

When a computer is turned on the first instructions to be executed are loaded?

Once the POST has successfully completed, the software loaded in ROM (sometimes called the BIOS or firmware) will begin to activate the computer’s disk drives. BIOS. (basic input/output system) It is a program a personal computer’s microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on.

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What is a set of instructions in computer?

A program is a set of instructions that can be executed by a computer to do a specific task. A collection of computer programs, libraries, and related data are referred to as software.

How does computer execute an instruction?

Program Execution in the CPU

  1. A sequence of instructions is stored in memory.
  2. The memory address wherever the first instruction is found is copied to the instruction pointer.
  3. The CPU sends the address within the instruction pointer to memory on the address bus.
  4. The CPU sends a “read” signal to the control bus.

When the computer starts the first instruction comes from?

First, your computer CPU starts and fetches instructions from the BIOS stored in your ROM. The BIOS start the monitor and keyboard. It also performs some basic checks to make sure your computer is working properly.

When you first start a computer which software will have to start first?

The operating system or the BIOS will have to start first (or if you are running OS X). What is the difference between a Windows system and a Windows system installation? The Windows system is the one I have installed and do a lot of software updates.

Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer book?

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Discussion Forum

Que. Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up?
b. Operating system
c. System operations
d. Application software
Answer:Operating system

What is instruction set with example?

An example of an instruction set is the x86 instruction set, which is common to find on computers today. Different computer processors can use almost the same instruction set while still having very different internal design. Both the Intel Pentium and AMD Athlon processors use nearly the same x86 instruction set.

What are the steps for execution of a complete instruction?

Execution of a Complete Instructions:

  1. Fetch information from memory to CPU.
  2. Store information to CPU register to memory.
  3. Transfer of data between CPU registers.
  4. Perform arithmetic or logic operation and store the result in CPU registers.

What are the types of instruction execution?

All existing computers (actually the CPU) execute the following 3 types of instructions:

  • Arithmetic and logic operations. +
  • Memory transfer operations. Transfer the content from some specific memory location to a specific register (memory cell) in the CPU.
  • Branch operations.

What is the first step in the process of program execution?

This cycle begins as soon as you turn on a computer. To execute a program, the program code is copied from secondary storage into the main memory. The CPU’s program counter is set to the memory location where the first instruction in the program has been stored, and execution begins. The program is now running.

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When does the first cycle of a computer program begin?

This cycle begins as soon as you turn on a computer. To execute a program, the program code is copied from secondary storage into the main memory. The CPU’s program counter is set to the memory location where the first instruction in the program has been stored, and execution begins.

How does the processor know which instruction to run next?

The processor checks the program counter to see which instruction to run next. The program counter gives an address value in the memory of where the next instruction is. The processor fetches the instruction value from this memory location. Once the instruction has been fetched, it needs to be decoded and executed.

What happens when a program is being executed by the CPU?

When a program is being executed, the CPU performs the fetch-decode-execute cycle, which repeats over and over again until reaching the STOP instruction. The processor checks the program counter to see which instruction to run next. The program counter gives an address value in the memory of where the next instruction is.