
What is the most harmful symptom of depression?

What is the most harmful symptom of depression?

But some cases of depression are more severe, with intense symptoms that may include significant appetitie and weight loss, sleep problems, and frequent thoughts of death or suicide. Such depression can be paralyzing. You may isolate yourself and have trouble getting out of bed or leaving the house.

What hormone makes people depressed?

Progesterone: Often called the “relaxation hormone,” progesterone has a calming effect when it is produced in optimal levels. When hormones are off-kilter or when the relaxation hormone is in low supply, it can lead to depression, as well as irritability, anxiety, sleepless nights, and brain fog.

Why don’t we hear more about depression in Happy People?

There are two main reasons I feel like we don’t hear about depression in happy people. People don’t understand how happiness and depression can exist simultaneously. Those who feel the two simultaneously feel like one or the other is probably a lie.

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Can you feel happiness and depression at the same time?

You can feel depression and happiness together. When I dealt with my first severe bout of depression from my early to late teens, the best way to describe it would have been an all-encompassing darkness. It was the stereotypical, everything sucks versions of depression that we so often see in media, fiction and on the Internet.

Is your Depression hitting you hard?

When the depression is hitting, especially when it’s hitting hard, there’s no question of its existence. It can become so powerful that it makes us question if we were happy at all. Equally, in the moments of happiness it can feel like the depression is a lie.

Why do I feel like there is no reason to be depressed?

You feel like it would be insulting to those who are much worse off than you. You may feel like you have no real reason to be depressed. Because your pride and your identity take a hit. You have to admit vulnerability and allow that you are not the all-conquering superhero you thought you were.

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