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How long would it take to fall to the center of the Earth?

How long would it take to fall to the center of the Earth?

about 42 minutes and 12 seconds
A scenario often presented to introductory physics classes is that of a “gravity tunnel” — a tube drilled from one side of the Earth to the other through the planet’s center. The answer taught for nearly a half-century for how long a fall through such a hole would take was about 42 minutes and 12 seconds.

How far does anything fall from rest on Earth in 1 second without air resistance?

Example. The first equation shows that, after one second, an object will have fallen a distance of 1/2 × 9.8 × 12 = 4.9 m.

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What is the maximum speed of a falling object due to air resistance?

Based on wind resistance, for example, the terminal speed of a skydiver in a belly-to-earth (i.e., face down) free fall position is about 195 km/h (120 mph; 54 m/s).

Does air resistance speed up falling?

A falling object will continue to accelerate to higher speeds until they encounter an amount of air resistance that is equal to their weight. Since the 150-kg skydiver weighs more (experiences a greater force of gravity), it will accelerate to higher speeds before reaching a terminal velocity.

How deep is the center of the Earth?

The ball-shaped core lies beneath the cool, brittle crust and the mostly-solid mantle. The core is found about 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) below Earth’s surface, and has a radius of about 3,485 kilometers (2,165 miles).

How far do you fall after 3 seconds?

What is free fall speed?

Seconds after object has begun falling Speed during free fall (m/s)
1 9.8
2 19.6
3 29.4
4 39.2
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How fast can a human fall?

In a stable, belly to earth position, terminal velocity of the human body is about 200 km/h (about 120 mph). A stable, freefly, head down position has a terminal speed of around 240-290 km/h (around 150-180 mph).

How does air resistance affect speed?

Q: Why does air resistance slow things down? With air resistance, acceleration throughout a fall gets less than gravity (g) because air resistance affects the movement of the falling object by slowing it down. How much it slows the object down depends on the surface area of the object and its speed.