Should I use flexbox for layout?

Should I use flexbox for layout?

You should consider using Flexbox when: You need a content-first design — Flexbox is the ideal layout system to create web pages if you don’t know exactly how your content is going to look, so if you want everything just to fit in, Flexbox is perfect for that.

Should I use float for layout?

The short answer. No! Well, mostly. I’d only use it today for wrapping text around images, though and I’d avoid using float entirely for layouts.

Is it bad to use float in CSS?

The short answer: clear: both. Floats work really well in small cases like when there’s an element, such as a button, that you’d like to move to the right of a paragraph. But the real issue arises when you start using floats to lay out entire web pages. And the reason for that is: floats are not meant for layouts!

Should I use float or grid?

The CSS float property allows a developer to incorporate table-like columns in an HTML layout without the use of tables. In order to achieve a design layout for browsers that don’t understand flexbox or grid, we use float.

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Is CSS grid better than flexbox?

CSS grids are for 2D layouts. It works with both rows and columns. Flexbox works better in one dimension only (either rows OR columns). It will be more time saving and helpful if you use both at the same time.

When should I use flexbox over grid?

Grid is best suited for a few specific use cases (2D obviously, but also things like overlapping elements) while flexbox usually shines in simpler yet common layout requirements. Use grid when you already have the layout structure in mind, and flex when you just want everything to fit. Layout first vs content first.

When should I use float in CSS?

The CSS float property controls the positioning and formatting of content on the page. Its most common use is to wrap text around images. However, you can use the float property to wrap any inline elements around a defined HTML element, including lists, paragraphs, divs, spans, tables, iframes, and blockquotes.

Is float still relevant?

Floats should not be used for layout anymore (though you can still use them for the original purpose – floating text around images). Flexbox is now widely supported and is better for layout.

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When Should Floats be used?

Short answer: You only have to use a float when you know exactly what you’re doing and why. Long answer: floats (as opposed to doubles) aren’t really used anymore outside 3D APIs as far as I know. Floats and doubles have the same performance characteristics on modern CPUs, doubles are somewhat bigger and that’s all.

Is Flexbox better than float?

Flexbox is a css3 layout model that provides an easy and clean way to arrange items with a container. These are the following reasons to use flexbox over floats. Positioning child elements becomes easier with flexbox. Flexbox is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Can I use float and flex?

The float property is ignored in a flex container. A flex container establishes a new flex formatting context for its contents. This is the same as establishing a block formatting context, except that flex layout is used instead of block layout.

When should you not use flexbox?

When not to use flexbox

  1. Don’t use flexbox for page layout. A basic grid system using percentages, max-widths, and media queries is a much safer approach for creating responsive page layouts.
  2. Don’t add display:flex; to every single container div.
  3. Don’t use flexbox if you have a lot of traffic from IE8 and IE9.
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Should I use Flexbox for float float layouts?

Float and clearfix layouts are a (clever) hack, somehow in the same way table layouts are a hack, flexbox is meant for layout. The browser support is getting better lately, some say we should use it now. Bootstrap 3 does however not make use of flexbox, but i can imagine that the next version will.

What is the Flexbox layout module?

The Flexible Box Layout Module, makes it easier to design flexible responsive layout structure without using float or positioning. The flexbox properties are supported in all modern browsers. To start using the Flexbox model, you need to first define a flex container.

What is the difference between display table and Flexbox?

The Flexbox model is more powerful than display table. Flexbox supports layouts for right to left languages for example. And yes indeed, flexbox is a bit complex and that’s an entry barrier. Float and clearfix layouts are a (clever) hack, somehow in the same way table layouts are a hack, flexbox is meant for layout.

Why isn’t Flexbox more widely used?

I just started learning about Flexible boxes, they are very easy to use and they seem to be good for page layout, but I’ve been reading that Flexbox is not widely used because of it’s lack of support on popular browsers.