What oz gloves for Muay Thai training?

What oz gloves for Muay Thai training?

For training of this nature, gloves between 12-14oz are usually prescribed. Young children may use a lighter weight around 6-8oz while heavier folks can consider 16oz. Theoretically, the heavier the gloves, the more protection they offer due to having more padding.

What gloves are needed for Muay Thai?

Boxing gloves are the most important item of training equipment for Muay Thai. The gloves are what protect both your hands from getting damaged and your opponent or sparring partner from getting injured, so it’s important to get these right. We’ve written some great articles on the protection boxing gloves provide.

How Big Should MMA sparring gloves be?

Competition gloves – Most professional fights have the fighters wear 4 ounce (110 g) gloves, whereas amateurs may wear a slightly heavier 6 ounce (170 g) glove for increased protection. According to the rules, UFC allows gloves between 4-6 ounces, and even heavier for certain larger sized gloves, e.g. 2 XL – 4 XL.

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Are boxing gloves and Muay Thai gloves the same?

The most distinct difference between Boxing gloves and Muay Thai gloves is the padding. With these techniques in play, the side of the Muay Thai glove takes much more impact and thus needs more protection. Muay Thai gloves tend to have a more uniformly distributed padding around the knuckles, back of the hand.

Can I use MMA gloves for Muay Thai?

Pure MMA style gloves are designed for both striking and grappling and are inadequate protection for Muay Thai training. These 4- or 6oz gloves offer way too little padding for bag or even pad work. For Muay Thai training, you need the classic style well-padded boxing gloves of at least 8oz and above.

What oz gloves for heavy bag?

For hitting pads or a heavy bag, gloves that are 12 oz and below are your best options. The lower weight of these gloves, typically referred to as “bag gloves,” allow you to work on delivering your punches with speed without sacrificing hand protection.

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What gear do I need for Muay Thai sparring?

For Muay Thai sparring, you will need sparring gloves, shin guards and a mouth guard. On occasions, and also depending upon the individual’s choice, some will double up with a head gear and/or knee pads for extra protection.

What oz gloves for kickboxing?

Of all the sizes, 10 oz gloves are the most popular for bag and pad workouts, while sizes 14, 16, 18, and 20 oz gloves are used for sparring.

What oz gloves should I use for sparring?

10 oz gloves are the best boxing gloves for heavy bag workouts while 14, 16, 18, and 20 oz gloves are the best boxing gloves for sparring. As the size is determined by the amount of padding inside the boxing glove, a heavier weight means your hand will have more protection, but will also slow down your punching speed.

What oz gloves do boxers use?

Regardless of your weight and size, most boxers will use gloves weighing 16oz or more to spar. However, if you weigh over 175Ibs, 18oz or 20oz is most commonly used.

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What oz gloves should I use?


12 OZ Boxing Gloves 45 kg – 67 kg / 100 lbs – 150 lbs Pads and Light Sparring
14 OZ Boxing Gloves 68 kg – 79 kg / 151 lbs – 175 lbs All-round Glove and Sparring
16 OZ Boxing Gloves Over 80 kg / Over 175 lbs Heavy Sparring