
What happens when a charged particle enters a magnetic field?

What happens when a charged particle enters a magnetic field?

A charged particle experiences a force when moving through a magnetic field. Since the magnetic force is perpendicular to the direction of travel, a charged particle follows a curved path in a magnetic field. The particle continues to follow this curved path until it forms a complete circle.

What will happen to the radius of curvature of the trajectory if the magnitude of the magnetic field is doubled?

It becomes one-half as large.

How does the speed of a particle relate to its curvature in a magnetic field?

The particle will have a steady motion when these two forces will cancel each other. Therefore mv^2/r = qvB which gives r=mv/qB. Now increase in kinetic energy means increase in velocity and increase in velocity means increase in radius of curvature.

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What happens to the magnetic force on an electron moving perpendicular to the direction of a magnetic field if the speed of the electron increases?

The magnetic field does no work, so the kinetic energy and speed of a charged particle in a magnetic field remain constant. The magnetic force, acting perpendicular to the velocity of the particle, will cause circular motion.

When a charged particle enters in a magnetic field what change takes place in its kinetic energy?

work done =FScos90∘=0. This means that a uniform magnetic field can do no work on charged particle although it can change its direction of motion. Hence the kinetic energy of charged particle in a magnetic field remains unchanged.

What happens to a charged particle if entering a magnetic field at an angle not equal to 90?

If the angle ϕ is less than 90°, the particle orbit will be a helix with an axis parallel to the field lines. If ϕ is zero, there will be no magnetic force on the particle, which will continue to move undeflected along the field lines.

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What happens to the field if the radius is doubled?

Why does the path of the charged particle Bend?

The path of the charged particle bends because the particle is repelled by the negatively charged plate and attracted to the positively charged plate. The greater the magnitude of the charges, the greater the electrostatic repulsion or attraction. As the charge on the plates is increased, the bending will increase.

How do you find the radius of a charged particle in an electric field?

Formula of the Radius of the Circular Path of a Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field. r=mvqBsinθ.

What happens to the cyclotron frequency of a charged particle if its speed doubles?

They are never the same. What happens to the CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY of a charged particle if its speed doubles? It triples.

When a charged particles move perpendicular to the magnetic field the?

(1), when a charged particle moves perpendicular to the uniform magnetic field, the magnetic force will act perpendicular to the velocity at every instant which makes the particle move in a circular path with constant velocity v. Thus, the magnitude of velocity remains same, but the direction changes.

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When a charged particle moves perpendicular to a magnetic field then speed of the particle will _?

Speed of the particle remains unchanged.