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What is the force on q1 from q2?

What is the force on q1 from q2?

So F21 is the force on Q2 due to Q1 and F12 is the force on Q1 due to Q2. Of course from Newton’s third law, from action-reaction principle, these forces are equal in magnitude. F12 magnitude is equal to F21 magnitude, and let’s say they both are equal to F.

Why is the force of q1 and q2 the same?

The magnitude of the force F is exerted on both the objects. If a force of magnitude F is exerted on a charged object q1 then, a force of same magnitude F is exerted on q2 but in opposite direction.

What forces act on a charge?

Section Summary. The electrostatic force field surrounding a charged object extends out into space in all directions. The electrostatic force exerted by a point charge on a test charge at a distance r depends on the charge of both charges, as well as the distance between the two.

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What is the electrostatic force on q1 and q2?

The electrostatic force is repulsive when q1 q2 > 0, i.e. the two charges have the same signs (either both positive or both negative). The electrostatic force is repulsive when q1 q2 > 0, i.e. the two charges have the same signs (either both positive or both negative).

What is q1 and q2 in electrostatics?

Given that the charge q1, as well as the other charge q2, is equal to zero. q 1 + q2 = 0. The equation indicates that one charge is positive and the second is negative. The magnitude of both charges is equal. This means the two given charges on the system in totality will account for zero.

What is the electric force?

The attractive or repulsive interaction between any two charged objects is an electric force. Like any force, its effect upon objects is described by Newton’s laws of motion. The electric force – Felect – joins the long list of other forces that can act upon objects.

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Which force is contact force?

Friction is a contact force because the bodies need to get in contact with each other in order for the frictional force to act on the bodies.

What is the nature of electrostatic force between two point charges q1 and q2 if q1 q2 0 q1 q2 0?

If q1q2 < 0, then either of q1 or q2 is positively charged and the other is negatively charged and there is force of attraction between them.

Which direction will force act on charge Q1?

The q2 charge, depending on its nature (positive or negative) will exert force accordingly. If both charges are of same polarity, q1 experiences a force away from q2 and if the charges have opposite polarities, q1 experiences force towards q2. Originally Answered: in which direction force will act on charge q1?

What is the net force of Q1 and Q2 charges?

Therefore q1 experiences no net force. If the shell is non-conducting, it acts as a summation of small charges dQ spread over the area of the sphere. Hence force due to the sphere itself is zero. The q2 charge, depending on its nature (positive or negative) will exert force accordingly.

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Why is the force between Q1 and Q2 repulsive in nature?

As like charges repel, the force is repulsive in nature. Hey! Since we are given that q1 and q2 are greater than zero, which means that both are positive charges, The for ce between them shall be REPULSIVE IN NATURE, because LIKE CHARGES REPEL. Where r is the distance between those charges.

What is the force on the Q2 charge of a sphere?

Hence force due to the sphere itself is zero. The q2 charge, depending on its nature (positive or negative) will exert force accordingly. If both charges are of same polarity, q1 experiences a force away from q2 and if the charges have opposite polarities, q1 experiences force towards q2.