What would happen to a stream of electrons in a magnetic field?

What would happen to a stream of electrons in a magnetic field?

That rule describes how a charged particle (our electron) moving in a magnetic field will be deflected by that field at a right angle to both the field and to the direction of the particle. The electrons in the cathode rays would deflect toward the positively charged plates, and away from the negatively charged plates.

Are electrons affected by electric and magnetic fields?

So the electron at rest is affected by a time-varying magnetic field, though indirectly–via an induced electric field. Without considering induced fields: An electron will align its spin with a uniform magnetic field, and if the field is nonuniform, it will move along with it.

How is the magnetic force on a particle moving in a magnetic field different from gravitational and electric forces quizlet?

How is the magnetic force on a particle moving in a magnetic field different from gravitational and electric forces. a) Gravitational and electric forces act along the line connecting two interacting objects, whereas magnetic forces are perpendicular to the motion of the particle and the magnetic field.

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What is the relationship between electrons and a magnetic field?

All the electrons do produce a magnetic field as they spin and orbit the nucleus; however, in some atoms, two electrons spinning and orbiting in opposite directions pair up and the net magnetic moment of the atom is zero. The direction of spin and orbit of the electron determines the direction of the magnetic field.

Do electrons cause magnetic fields?

The spinning of electron produce a magnetic dipole. If the majority of electrons in the atom spins in the same direction, a strong magnetic field is produced. The direction of the electrons spin determines the direction of magnetic field.

Does a magnetic field move electrons?

All charged particles interact with electromagnetic fields via the Lorentz force. This interaction causes electrons in a magnetic field to move in a corkscrew pattern. According to classical physics, electrons should rotate about the magnetic-field direction with a single frequency, called the “cyclotron frequency”.

Why are moving electrons influenced by a magnetic field?

Since magnets exert a force on one another, when a small “magnet” such as an electron passes through the field of a larger, more powerful magnet, then we should expect that the electron will be deflected just as a small piece of magnetic metal would.

What happens to an electron in an electric field?

In an electric field the electron moves at a constant velocity at right angles to the field but accelerates along the direction of the field. An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 5000 V and then enters a magnetic field of strength 0.02 T acting at right angles to its path.

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How is the magnetic force on a particle moving in a magnetic field?

Magnetic force on a charged particle always acts perpendicular to the velocity of the charge unlike in the case of electric and gravitational forces which are not necessarily perpendicular to the velocity. As a consequence, magnetic forces can perform no work on a charged particle.

Where does the magnetic field generated by current moving through a wire occur?

A current traveling through a loop of wire creates a magnetic field along the axis of the loop. The direction of the field inside the loop can be found by curling the fingers of the right hand in the direction of the current through the loop; the thumb then points in the direction of the magnetic field.

Does changing electric field produce magnetic field?

3) Electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same thing, because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field. (This is why physicists usually refer to “electromagnetism” or “electromagnetic” forces together, rather than separately.)

Does a moving particle produce both electric and magnetic field?

Originally Answered: Can a charged particle moving with constant velocity produce both electric and magnetic field? Yes, a moving charge particle generates both electric and magnetic field. Since the particle is charged, it will generate electric field irrespective of the fact that its stationary or moving.

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What happens when two magnetic fields are applied to moving electrons?

An accelerating electric charge will create a magnetic field associated with the moving electric charge. When this magnetic field encounters another magnetic field, the interaction between the two magnetic fields will exert a force on the moving electric charge (in this case the moving electrons).

What happens when an electron moves through a wire?

When power through the wire was switched on, the wire jumped dramatically. This indicates that a magnetic field is generated by the electron movement through the wire. Now here is the point. If an electron’s movement generates a magnetic field then the electron has become a magnet.

How does an accelerating electric charge create magnetic field?

-An accelerating electric charge will create a magnetic field associated with the moving electric charge……. in j.j thomsons experiment with the cathode rays,it was proved that the negative charge was carried by a particle called electron.

What is the force acting on the electron in this setup?

In this setup, the electron is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field. Thus, the force on the electron is: F=evB (3) Additionally, we know from last semester that, when the force acting on a body is perpendicular to the motion, the resulting motion is circular.