
What is the magnetic field is maximum?

What is the magnetic field is maximum?

Hence magnetic force of lines are more crowded at the poles compared to the centre of magnet and hence strength of magnetic field at north and south pole magnet is more compared to centre of magnet. And therefore magnetic force is maximum at both the poles of the magnet compared to the centre of magnet.

How strong can you make a magnetic field?

When a magnetic field gets stronger than about 500,000 Gauss, objects get ripped to pieces by the intense forces. For this reason, scientists cannot build a machine that creates a magnetic field stronger than 500,000 Gauss and survives longer than a fraction of a second.

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How can we produce magnetic field?

Following are the methods of producing magnetic fields:

  1. By using a permanent magnet we can produce the magnetic field and it can be visualized by spreading iron fillings on a white paper and keeping a magnet beneath the paper.
  2. A current-carrying straight conductor produces the magnetic field.

Why magnetic field is maximum at Centre?

Answer: “Magnetic field is maximum at the “center” of the current carrying circular loop. The reason behind this is, Since, the magnetic fields appear as the concentric circles and at the center the radius is larger than at other points, the magnetic fields are larger at center.”

Where is magnetic field maximum in bar magnet?

The magnetic field is strongest at the center and weakest between the two poles just outside the bar magnet. The magnetic field lines are least dense at the center and densest between the two poles just outside the bar magnet.

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Is magnetic field stronger than electric?

The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law. The force created by the electric field is much stronger than the force created by the magnetic field.

How many types of magnetic fields are produced?

The two methods of producing the magnetic field are: 1) Passing the current through any conductor. 2) The permanent magnet also produces the magnetic field around it.

Can DC current produce magnetic field?

DC electricity produces static electric and magnetic fields, but these fields have very different properties from AC Electric Magnetic Fields (EMF*). Since DC electricity does not vary over time and is static, the electric and magnetic fields from DC lines do not induce currents and voltages.

How many Tesla is the Earth’s magnetic field?

0.0000305 tesla
The magnetic field strength at the Earth’s magnetic equator is 0.0000305 tesla, or 0.305 x 10-4 T. Maps of the surface magnetic fields of Earth show stronger fields near the poles where the magnetic field lines congregate, at roughly twice the strength of the field at the equator.

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How do you find the maximum magnetic field?

When an electromagnetic wave travels through magnetic and electric fields combined, then the relation between maximum magnetic field strength B and maximum electric field strength E can be given as, E=cB. E = c B . Here, c is the speed of light.