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Did the Marauders bully Snape?

Did the Marauders bully Snape?

Yes, he did bully Snape but so did the other marauders like Sirius – Remus wasn’t really any better – did he stop James from bullying Snape? Even though James was mean to Snape, when Sirius told Snape to go to the whomping willow at said time, James knew the danger and SAVED Snape even though he hated him.

Why is James mean Snape?

Despite not remembering his parents, Harry held them in high esteem. This faltered slightly where his father was concerned. He learned that James had been something of a bully in his youth, witnessing a memory of Snape’s, in which James and Sirius picked on and humiliated Snape simply because they were bored.

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Is Harry Potters dad a bully?

All Potter fans know the story: Harry glimpses Snape’s “Worst Memory” in fifth year and discovers that his father was not the great guy that any orphaned child would prefer to envision. His dad was a horrible bully who tormented fellow classmates and had a towering ego to match.

Does Scorpius end up with Rose?

Sometime after graduating Scorpius and Rose get married. Not long after their wedding they get pregnant with their first daughter, Parker. Four years later they have a son named Sebastian.

Was James Potter really a bully?

James was a bully in school — even the biggest of James Potter apologists can’t deny this. He mercilessly teased Snape and in one particularly horrific memory, hung him upside down and exposed him in front of the entire school.

What did Sirius do to Severus Snape?

Sirius played a so-called prank on Severus Snape that might have killed him. He led him to the Whomping Willow, sick of his nosiness, where he knew Remus Lupin would have transformed into his wolf form. Not only was this exceedingly dangerous for Snape, who might have died, but it let Remus’ secret out which was extremely disloyal.

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Who was Sirius Dumbledore and what did he do?

Sirius was probably known to Voldemort for his family and for his closeness with the Potters. He was also a skilled member of the Order of the Phoenix and a particular enemy of Voldemort’s then-loyal follower, Snape.

Why did Sirius overestimate Pettigrew’s loyalty?

Sirius overestimated Pettigrew’s loyalty because he would rather die than betray his friends, but he underestimated Pettigrew’s character in part because of his arrogance. Only a thoughtlessly clever, good-looking, confident man could fail to see how those traits might inspire resentment, and Sirius could be thoughtless.

Is Sirius Black a good guy in the books?

Because Sirius is a good guy in the books, it’s easy to think of him fighting the war against Voldemort and think he was a good, pure person; but if you remember Order of the Phoenix and the flashbacks Harry saw through Snape’s Pensieve, you’ll know this wasn’t true.