
Do people in Starfleet get paid?

Do people in Starfleet get paid?

Unlike most military forces throughout history, Star Fleet pays quite well, considering that personnel receive food, shelter, clothing and medical care free of charge. Star Fleet, of course, is an elite force of explorers and scientists, and its members are paid accordingly.

What does USS in Star Trek stand for?

United Space Ship
The Making of Star Trek explains that USS means “United Space Ship” and that “Enterprise is a member of the Starship Class”.

How many crew members are there in a star ship?

Its length is given as 300 metres (980 ft), and it has a capacity of 100 crew and 850 passengers.

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What is a bar of Latinum worth?

100 bricks
Pure liquid latinum, which Quark estimated to be worth 100 bricks. As Star Trek would have it, life is so rosy in the future that folks don’t have any need for money. (Don’t ask us how they get stuff — it’s one of Star Trek’s fuzzier areas.)

What does NX stand for in Star Trek?

“The Making of Star Trek” (which came out in 1986) explains that NCC stands for ‘Naval Construction Contract’ while NX stands for ‘Naval Experiment. ‘ Also, USS stands for ‘United Space Ship.

What does Star Fleet do for the Federation?

Starfleet’s ancillary duties included the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation diplomacy. As per its mandate of deep space exploration, its personnel were frequently brought into contact with cultures and sentient species whose existences were unknown to the Federation.

What are Starfleet General Orders and regulations?

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” Starfleet General Orders and Regulations were a series of guidelines used to instruct members of Starfleet on the proper etiquette and policy in a situation that required consultation for a resolution.

What is the importance of Starfleet protocol?

These protocols were the foundation of Starfleet and the responsibility of its officers to uphold and protect, ranging from all manners of duty, such as interstellar diplomacy to punctuation of reports. Violations of protocol could have led to being placed on report, a court martial, demotion of rank, or other reprimands.

What is the Star Fleet culture on a Star Trek ship?

The original Star Trek series and Star Trek movies basically portrayed the Star Fleet culture aboard ship as similar to the U.S. Navy. The culture is predominantly male but women are allowed on most ships, especially in “support” roles such as science, medicine and communication.