
Can Vegeta lift Thors hammer?

Can Vegeta lift Thors hammer?

He will never be able to wield the hammer of thor odinson!!

Who can pick up Thor hammer?

Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven capable of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:

  • Roger “Red” Norvell (Actually a deliberate ruse by Odin)
  • Beta Ray Bill.
  • Captain America.
  • Eric Masterson.
  • Bor (Thor’s grandfather)
  • Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor’s great-grandfather)
  • Loki.
  • Jane Foster.

Did Stan Lee say Goku can lift Thor’s hammer?

Worthiness is not based on either strength or morals directly, to lift Mjolnir it is based on what Odin perceived as a worthy warrior. And Goku is without a doubt a worthy warrior. Even Stan Lee said Goku can lift Thor’s hammer. He was arrogant in his strength and thus was unworthy to wield mjolnir.

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Why can vision lift Thor’s hammer?

The general consensus is Thor brought the Vision to life with his lightning bolt and somehow this made the Vision worthy of lifting Mjolnir.

WHO lifted Thor’s hammer in endgame?

Captain America
Avengers: Endgame gives us one of the most triumphant moments in superhero movie history, when Captain America is able to lift Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, and use it to beat the ever-lovin’ crap out of Thanos for a few minutes.

Is Goku based off Superman?

Goku is inspired by Sun Wukong from Chinese novel: Journey to the west. This picture clearly says that. These titles clearly stat that goku is based on Son Wukong, not superman. NO he’s based off of Wukong the Monkey King from Journey to the West which is a novel that Akira Toriyama loves.

Did Stan Lee say Goku is stronger than Superman?

Is it true that Stan Lee confirmed that Goku is more powerful than Superman? No. It is not true. For one Stan Lee didn’t write DC Comics characters like Superman.

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Is Goku worthy to hold the mighty hammer Mjolnir?

He also believes in friendship is one of the most important of aspects in life and has protected the Earth Heaven Hell and the entire universe from many threats. So yes he is worthy to hold the mighty hammer mjolnir. This is how a fight between Thor and Goku would play out…….Behold the mighty Goku.

Can a regular person pick up THOR’s Hammer?

Unfortunately, not every Asgardian — or any regular person — can just pick up the hammer. The hammer comes with a special statement engraved in fine print which clearly states that “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”. If…

Why does Goku have a hammer?

As Goku is the definition of “pure of heart” in the DBZ universe and his intentions at that very moment were to protect the earth, his home, his loved ones, and every other person on the planet… you can’t really get any more noble than that. The Hammer would certainly allow him to wield it.

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Did the Hulk ever actually lift the hammer?

The closest the Hulk actually came to lifting the real deal was through a loophole. While under the tutelage of Thanos in Avengers Assemble, Hulk fought Thor and while Thor was already holding the hammer, Hulk could lift it himself while grabbing onto Thor’s hand.