
What questions should I ask a fraternity?

What questions should I ask a fraternity?

General Questions

  • What can your fraternity/sorority offer a student?
  • What makes your chapter unique and sets it apart from other chapters?
  • What types of leadership opportunities do you offer?
  • Are your brothers/sisters active on campus?
  • Is your chapter active on campus?
  • How much time commitment is expected?

How do you impress a fraternity rush?

Rushing a Frat 101, or how to get it right from a guy who didn’t…

  1. Always talk to the rush chairs of multiple fraternities beforehand.
  2. Keep an open mind.
  3. Try to get connected with as many fraternities as you can and go to pre-rush events.
  4. Never, ever, and I mean NEVER, EVER, suicide rush.

What questions are asked during rush?

Be Prepared: Recruitment Questions

  • Where are you from? What’s your hometown?
  • What dorm are you in?
  • What classes are you taking?
  • Do you have a major already?
  • Did you have a fun summer?
  • How are you enjoying rush/recruitment?
  • Have you met your roommate yet?
  • How are you enjoying your first week of school so far?
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How do you nail a fraternity interview?

Study these fraternity pledge interview questions to impress fraternity members.

  1. Why should we extend you a bid? Don’t panic at this direct question!
  2. What would you gain from being in this fraternity?
  3. What is Your Major and Why Did You Choose It?
  4. What activities were you involved in high school?
  5. Do you have any Hobbies?

How do fraternities decide who gets a bid?

When a group decides which new members they would like to join their organization, they give them a “bid,” which is an offer to join. When a student receives this bid, they are able to accept, deny or defer the bid to join that fraternity or sorority.

What are the five B’s of recruitment?

In short: Throw out everything you’ve heard about “top houses” and rankings, and do your best to go into recruitment with an open mind….Sorority Rush Advice NOT to Take

  • “Avoid bringing up the five ‘B Words’: Boys, Ballots, Booze, Beliefs, and Bucks.”
  • “Set your social media profiles to private.”
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What questions do you get asked during rush?

What do you say in preference round?

Here are some examples of questions you might ask the sorority members for Pref:

  • Why did you choose to join your sorority?
  • Are there any leadership positions for new members?
  • Are there sisterhood events?
  • What is your favorite memory?
  • How has being in a sorority changed your college experience?

What should I ask for on Value Day?

Getting clear on values will help you “talk” your walk….ask yourselves:

  • What does the word “values” mean to me personally? As a family?
  • What’s most important?
  • Where did these values come from?
  • What family stories or role models have instilled my values and worldview?
  • How do these values show up in my actions?

How to rush a fraternity successfully?

Reading this will help you learn how to rush a fraternity successfully. Think of questions you have about fraternity life and being a brother in that particular chapter. Ask about their pledge program and the financial commitment you would be making. Ask several brothers the same question to make sure you get the answer you are looking for.

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What questions should I Ask my fraternity brother?

Think of questions you have about fraternity life and being a brother in that particular chapter. Ask about their pledge program and the financial commitment you would be making. Ask several brothers the same question to make sure you get the answer you are looking for.

What is it like to visit a fraternity as a guest?

It is an overwhelming experience, but one you will get used to quickly. You must remember that the brothers in the fraternity you are visiting will be trying to impress you. You are their guest, and they are gauging if they see you as a potential member. To make the most of this situation – BE YOURSELF.

How do you make an impression on a fraternity brother?

Don’t try too hard, and don’t make stupid comments about drinking and partying. Compliment the brothers and the fraternity and be genuine. You want to make an impression as a friendly, cool, and trustworthy guy. Most fraternities will host invite-only events toward the end of the rush week.