
What is suspension counterpoint?

What is suspension counterpoint?

Suspension: a strong-beat note in the counterpoint that is dissonant with the cantus. This note is tied from (the same pitch as) the preparation. The resolution: a weak-beat note in the counterpoint that is one step below the preparation-suspension pitch and consonant with the cantus.

How do you write suspension counterpoint?

A suspension figure has three parts:

  1. the preparation: a weak-beat note in the counterpoint that is consonant with the cantus.
  2. the suspension itself: a strong-beat note in the counterpoint that is dissonant with the cantus.
  3. the resolution: a weak-beat note in the counterpoint that is consonant with the cantus.

What suspensions are allowed in fourth species counterpoint?

The half note on the third beat of each measure is always a consonance. If the half note after a tie is a dissonance (4th or 7th), it is a suspension and must resolve down by step. Allowable suspensions in the upper part are 4-3 and 7-6; 9-8 and 2-1 are not allowed.

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What is fifth species counterpoint?

The Fifth Species of Species counterpoint primarily involves combining the tricks we’ve learned so far into something that starts to resemble real music! In fifth-species counterpoint, we combine the tricks developed in species 1–4 with only a few additions.

What is 3rd Species counterpoint?

Third Species counterpoint is when you have four counterpoint notes against one cantus firmus note. So if the cantus firmus is composed of semibreves, then the counterpoint voice is composed of crotchets (or quarter notes).

What is the purpose of Species counterpoint?

The seminal composition text, Gradus ad Parnassum (1725), by Johann Joseph Fux, teaches contrapuntal composition through “species counterpoint.” Species counterpoint uses simple rhythmic values and teaches composers how to write one, two, three, or four notes against a larger value, usually a whole note.

What is a 4 3 suspension?

4-3 suspension (plural 4-3 suspensions) A musical device, commonplace in the Western classical tradition, whereby a suspension is formed through a note a fourth above the bass which resolves to a third.

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What is a 2 3 suspension?

The 2-3 suspension is the “bass suspension” and is measured against an upper voice. Again, you may encounter the literal intervals 10-9 but should label the suspension as 2-3.

What is 3rd species counterpoint?

What is the point of species counterpoint?

Species counterpoint is a teaching tool to assist in the study of counterpoint. The student starts with simple counterpoints and develops increasingly complex polyphony as they progress through five “species,” each of which involves two voices—an upper voice and a lower voice, or cantus firmus.

How do you stop third species counterpoint?

Ending a third-species counterpoint The final pitch of the counterpoint must always be do, and must be a whole note. The penultimate note of the counterpoint (the last quarter note of the penultimate bar) should be ti if the cantus is re, and re if the cantus is ti.

What is the purpose of species counterpoint?

How do you write a third species counterpoint in music?

Beginning a third-species counterpoint. A third-species line can begin with four quarter notes in the first bar, or a quarter rest followed by three quarter notes. Regardless of rhythm, the first pitch in the counterpoint should follow the intervallic rules above.

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What are the rules for second species counterpoint?

A few additional rules (or relaxations of previous rules) are added for second species counterpoint as well. You can begin on an upbeat, leaving a half-rest at the start of the counterpoint voice. The accented beat (first minim in each bar) must only have consonant intervals (3rds, perfect 4ths and 5ths, or 6ths).

When are unisons allowed in the counterpoint?

Unisons are permitted for the first and last dyads of the exercise. A third-species line can begin with four quarter notes in the first bar, or a quarter rest followed by three quarter notes. Regardless of rhythm, the first pitch in the counterpoint should follow the intervallic rules above.

What are the rules for semibreves in counterpoint?

Therefore, with a semibreve cantus firmus, you have semibreves in the counterpoint melody. In addition to the list of rules above, there are a few more rules specifically for First Species counterpoint: The counterpoint must begin and end on an interval of either unison, octave, or fifth, and usually only unison or octave.