
What is the main aim of Walta act?

What is the main aim of Walta act?

An act to promote water conservation and tree cover and regulate the exploitation and use of groundwater and surface water for protection and conservation of water for future use.

What is the need of water land and tree protection act?

This is an act (to promote Water Conservation and Tree cover and regulate the exploitation and use of Ground and surface water for protection and conservation of water sources, Land and Environment and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto) of the AP Legislative Assembly received the assent of the Governor …

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What are the main features of water Land and Trees Protection Act of 2002?

a) promote water conservation and enhancement of tree cover in the State; (b) regulate the exploitation of ground and surface water in the State; (c) make regulations for the functioning of the authorities at 12[District, Division and Mandal level] constituted under the Act; 12.

What is the full form of Walta?

Sanjay Kumar on Monday directed the Telangana State government to constitute statutory authorities as contemplated under the Water, Land & Trees Act, 2002 (WALTA). These authorities at State, district and mandal-levels have the power and duty to protect lakes, tanks and ponds.

What is Walta act in Telangana?

An act to promote water conservation and tree cover and regulate the exploitation and use of groundwater & surface water for protection and conservation of water sources, land and environment and matters connected therewith, or incidental thereto.

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What is mean by Walta?

The name Walta is primarily a female name of African origin that means Shield.

What are the important provisions under Andhra Pradesh water Land and Trees Protection Act?

(a) promote water conservation and enhancement of tree cover in the State; (b) regulate the exploitation of ground and surface water in the State. (h) advise the Government on the constitution and functions of the [District Division and Mandal level] Authorities.

What should be the distance between two borewells?

As per law minimum distance between two borewells is 250 meters as per WALTA Act.

What is the punishment for cutting trees in Telangana?

The cutting of trees or branches without the permission of the concerned authorities is a grievous offence as per the Forest Protection Act. The zonal commissioner assured those present that the culprits in this case will be fined not less than Rs 1 lakh.

What is the full form of Walta in social?

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There is no abbreviation for WALTA act but it is written as “Andhra Pradesh Water,Land and Trees Act”

Do we need permission for Borewell in Hyderabad?

Revenue officials said as per the Water Land and Trees Act (WALTA Act), any person who wants to dig a borewell should seek permission, but in 99\% of the cases, they dig borewells without taking the permission.

In which year did the Walta Act come into force?

To regulate the exploitation and use of ground and surface water. This Act came into force w.e.f. 19-4-2002.