
Was Bail Organa in Alderaan when it was destroyed?

Was Bail Organa in Alderaan when it was destroyed?

Organa was killed when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan.

Did Bail Organa know about Anakin?

Bail Organa was present during the climactic end of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, and there can be no doubt he was aware of Darth Vader’s true identity.

Why did Bail Organa adopt Leia?

Leia Organa was adopted by Queen Breha and Senator Bail Organa by the end of the Clone Wars. By 28 BBY, Breha ruled as the Queen of Alderaan. With the consent of both Kenobi and Master Yoda, Bail decided that he and his wife would adopt Leia and raise her as their daughter; the two had always wanted to adopt a girl.

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What happened Breha Organa?

It is presumed that the queen perished on Alderaan when the entire planet was destroyed by the Empire’s super-weapon, the Death Star.

Are Bail Antilles and Bail Organa the same?

Bail Antilles was accordingly renamed Bail Organa, and went on to be mentioned by name in both the script and novelization of the original Star Wars film, although he was only referred to simply as Princess Leia’s father in the film itself.

What happened to Bail Organa’s wife?

She was the wife of Prince Bail Organa, Viceroy and First Chairman of the Alderaan system. Breha Organa later perished when the Empire destroyed Alderaan by blowing it up and turned the planet into an asteroid field with the superlaser of the Death Star battlestation.

What happened to bail Antilles?

Palpatine ultimately won the election—an outcome that led to the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire. At some point following the political defeat to Palpatine, Antilles was succeeded by Bail Organa.

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Is Bail Organa related to Wedge Antilles?

Antilles is just a common surname on Alderaan. However, Wedge is the grandson of Bail Antilles, mentioned in The Phantom Menace.

Why does Bail Organa say I would trust her with my life?

The Jedi he refers to is Obi-Wan Kenobi as he states “He served me well during the clone wars, I would trust him with my life.” Mon Mothma then tells him he will need to send someone he trusts, when he turns and says “I would trust her with my life” referring to his “daughter” Princess Leia Organa.

Is leleia Organa related to bail?

Leia Organa was adopted by Queen Breha and Senator Bail Organa by the end of the Clone Wars. By 28 BBY, Breha Organa ruled as the Queen of Alderaan. She was a relative of Bail Antilles, a former senator of Alderaan in the Galactic Senate, and the wife of his successor, the Senator and Viceroy Bail Organa.

What is Breha Organa’s background?

Breha Organa was born on Alderaan, a world known for its commitment to peace. A member of the galaxy ‘s Elder Houses, the girl who would become Breha Organa hailed from the planet of Alderaan, a peaceful and influential planet. She was related to Bail Antilles, who represented their home planet in the Senate of the Galactic Republic.

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How did Queen Breha become Queen of Alderaan?

After the Alderaan Ascendancy Contention, Breha married Prince Bail Prestor Organa, and she took the mantle of Queen of Alderaan at some point before 22 BBY. During Queen Breha’s wedding, the famous Alderaanian scientist Tryn Netzl acted as her groom’s witness. Breha Organa also enlisted her sister, making her a royal advisor.

Did Princess Leia Organa have a baby?

Eventually, the Organas adopted the baby girl of the late Senator Amidala after the end of the Clone Wars. The couple raised the girl as their own daughter, the Princess Leia Organa. In the early days of the Galactic Empire, the Queen’s family helped to build a rebellion against that authoritarian dictatorship.