
How do you choose between Fred and George Weasley?

How do you choose between Fred and George Weasley?

The differences between Fred and George Weasley

  1. George was the better Quidditch player.
  2. Fred was usually the instigator.
  3. George smoothed things over.
  4. George was more sympathetic, but Fred was generally funnier.
  5. Fred spoke first and George explained second.

Can I tell the difference between Fred and George Weasley?

Fred has a more round face, his features not as defined as George’s. On George’s face, you can clearly see his cheekbones and in a way, George’s face is ‘skinnier’ looking. Fred’s facial features are less defined than George’s. Second, the way their hair is styled.

Did Fred and George get the money from Ludo Bagman?

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During the Quidditch World Cup, the Weasley twins had bet all their money with a bookie named Ludo Bagman, who fails to make face in the films. The twins bet that Ireland would win the cup, but that Viktor Krum would catch the golden snitch. This turned out to be the result, and the two won a good sum.

Why did JK Rowling choose Fred and George?

Rowling has since described Fred’s death as ‘the worst for me’. Incidentally, Fred was chosen to die over his twin George because he was the slightly more conspicuous brother. ‘Fred is normally the funnier but also the crueller of the two.

Did JK Rowling foreshadow Fred and George Weasley’s death based on their names?

(Warning: Spoilers ahead) The Internet’s latest fan theory involves Fred and George Weasley, Ron’s mischievous twin brothers. It suggests that Rowling foreshadowed Fred’s devastating death based on—wait for it—character names. You see, the Weasleys have very telling first names.

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Did JK Rowling flirt with the idea of killing off Ron Weasley?

Yes, J.K. Rowling did indeed flirt with the idea of killing off Harry’s best friend, Ron. But the moment was fleeting, at least.

How similar were Fred and George Weasley?

While Fred and George Weasley may have looked so similar that even their parents couldn’t tell them apart sometimes, and were so close that you rarely saw one without the other, they were still individuals. Let’s celebrate the differences between our favourite twins.