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Why did Draco cry when Fred died?

Why did Draco cry when Fred died?

Draco certainly showed sorrow. Basically he was shameful of himself, for the company he keeps. He may not like the weasleys, but he was a good person, deep within his heart.

Why did Draco go to Fred’s funeral?

He is probably confused after the war, knowing that his side has lost and that the Death Eaters scared him to begin with. Going to the funeral of somebody on the side that he saw as inferior his whole life isn’t going to be realistic, or help him become a better person.

What was Fred Weasley’s cause of death?

Fred participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (1998), defending the castle’s passageways with his twin. While fighting alongside his brother, Percy, he was killed in an explosion caused by an unknown Death Eater.

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Who caused the explosion that killed Fred Weasley?

Augustus Rookwood
Fred was killed in an explosion possibly caused by Augustus Rookwood. One of the last things Fred heard before dying was Percy joking about resigning from the Ministry.

Did George see Draco at Fred’s funeral?

At Fred’s funeral, which Draco attended, he stood at the back, careful not to be seen. After everybody left, he went to the tombstone and started sobbing and set down some flowers. He apologized about being the reason that he died.

Did Draco go to Fred’s funeral in the book?

Another change of heart that occurred in the Harry Potter franchise was that of Draco Malfoy. When Fred Weasley died, Draco felt sad that he was the reason. At Fred’s funeral, which Draco attended, he stood at the back, careful not to be seen.

What happened to Fred Weasley?

Fred Weasley was hardly the boy who lived. The character in the Harry Potter books and movies was killed off in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and author J.K. Rowling is now apologizing for the loss. The celebrated writer, 49, took to Twitter on Saturday, May 2,…

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How did Fred die in the Deathly Hallows?

Fred was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts, and as confirmed by J.K. Rowling, George never fully got over his brother’s death, and named his first son after him. Fred’s death was one of the most heartbreaking moments from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , but the movie adaptation changed it, and took away most of the scene’s

What did JK Rowling say about Fred Weasley’s death on Twitter?

The celebrated writer, 49, took to Twitter on Saturday, May 2, to discuss the death of Ron Weasley’s brother. The date holds special meaning for Rowling, as it’s the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. “Today I would just like to say: I’m really sorry about Fred,” the Brit wrote, apologizing for the tragic loss of one of the Weasley twins.

What happened to Fred and Harry in the Battle of Hogwarts?

Fred turned to his brother and was interrupted mid-sentence by an explosion, and the group (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and Percy) flew through the air on different directions. After the initial shock, Harry realized he was half buried in the wreckage of a corridor, and that’s when he heard “ a terrible cry that pulled at his insides ”.