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Does hold time depend on clock frequency?

Does hold time depend on clock frequency?

Setup time, like hold time, DOES NOT depend on frequency. Setup time is nothing more than the minimum time requirement that data must be stable before the clock edge.

What determines setup and hold time?

Setup time is defined as the minimum amount of time before the clock’s active edge that the data must be stable for it to be latched correctly. Hold time is defined as the minimum amount of time after the clock’s active edge during which data must be stable.

Why is hold time independent of clock frequency?

That is by the time the second flip-flop transfers the first flip-flop output to it’s output pin, the input of the second flip-flop should not change. So as we are analyzing at the same edge hold time is independent of the clock.

What is the relation between propagation delay & clock frequency of Flip-Flop?

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The longer the propagation delay, the slower your clock is able to run. The reason for this is that both Flip-Flops use the same clock. The first Flip-Flop drives its output at clock edge 1.

What is setup and hold time in VLSI?

Ø Setup Time: the amount of time the data at the synchronous input (D) must be stable before the active edge of clock. Ø Hold Time: the amount of time the data at the synchronous input (D) must be stable after the active edge of clock.

Can setup and hold violation on same path?

It is possible to have both setup/hold violations on the same reg2reg path: if you have big “delta delay”, which is due to big coupling capacitance on some nets in the path. During setup analysis, the tool add this “delta delay” to the total path length (so you may have setup violations).

What is the concept of setup time?

Setup time is the interval needed to adjust the settings on a machine, so that it is ready to process a job. Shortening the amount of setup time is critical for engaging in short production runs, so that a business can more easily engage in just-in-time production.

Why setup is frequency dependent?

Think of set up time as being frequency dependent because it has to do with when the data arrives… We can’t have the data arrive exactly when the rising edge of destination clock is approaching because it would lead to metastability.

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Why is hold time neglected while calculating max frequency why only setup time is considered?

setup time,hold time and max frequency So setup time should be considered during max frequency calculation. On the contrary the hold time of a flop limits the minimum total delay that the combination logic between two flops can have. So hold time has nothing to do with max frequency calculation.

Does clock rate contribute to propagation delay?

High speed circuits can have clock frequencies that are comparable to the propagation delay in a digital system. The result is that data moving around the system may be out of sync with the clock, such as from a logic gate propagation delay, which can wreak havoc in your device.

What is propagation delay in flipflop?

The propagation delay of the flip flops means a small delay occurs between the clock edge and the flip flop output, Q, becoming valid. This is the called the propagation delay of the flip flop and is denoted TFF in the diagram below.

What are setup and hold time violations?

Any violation may cause incorrect data to be captured, which is known as setup violation. Hold time is defined as the minimum amount of time after the clock’s active edge during which data must be stable.

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What is the difference between hold time and setup time?

Hold time is similar to setup time, but it deals with events after a clock edge occurs. Hold time is the minimum amount of time required for the input to a Flip-Flop to be stable after a clock edge. In the figure, the green area represents the tsu or Setup Time. The blue area represents the th or Hold Time.

What is the relationship between delay and clock frequency?

Reduce the clock frequency, so the clock speed will reduce and it will match to your input speed or circuit delay. Reduce the circuit delay, so the data will take less time to reach at the input and will match the clock speed. I hope now you know the relationship between delay and clock frequency.

What is hold time in computer network?

Hold time is defined as the minimum amount of time after the clock’s active edge during which data must be stable. Violation in this case may cause incorrect data to be latched, which is known as a hold violation. Note that setup and hold time is measured with respect to the active clock edge only. Figure 5.