
What does Walder Frey see in the pie?

What does Walder Frey see in the pie?

Lord Walder finds a finger in his pie, revealing that it is made from the flesh of his sons.

What happens to Walder Frey in the books?

Thanks to Arya, Walder Frey is now dead, along with his sons. That means that Riverrun is without a man in charge, though still technically under Lannister control.

Was Walder Frey justified?

He’d have been justified in turning down Robb’s offer to marry Edmure to Roslin. But he was not morally justified in negotiating the marriage under false pretenses, knowing what he was going to do, and killing not only Robb but also Catelyn and a great deal of Robb’s men, who had done nothing to deserve it.

What happened to Lord Edmure after the Red Wedding?

Originally Answered: What happens to Edmure Tully after the Red Wedding? Edmure Tully is kept prisoner by Walder Frey. Edmure is used as a hostage to persuade Brynden “Blackfish” Tully to surrender. Later, he is transferred to Jaime Lannister and becomes the Lannisters’ hostage.

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What will happen to Lord Walder Frey when he dies?

According to one of his sons, Merrett, Lord Walder is not long for the world and when he dies it will be every other Frey for himself. Walder, though a tyrant, believes in taking care of his own, even the ones who disappoint him.

Who is Walder Frey in the books?

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Walder Frey, the Lord of the Crossing, is an ancient (over 90), irascible and cranky old lord who rules over a vast brood of children, grandchildren, bastards, nieces and nephews.

What happened to Walder Frey’s son stevron?

During the War of the Five Kings, Walder’s son and heir, Ser Stevron Frey, dies after the Battle of Oxcross, having fought bravely for Robb Stark, the new King in the North and King of the Trident. Lord Roose Bolton marries one of Walder’s granddaughters, Walda Frey.

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How many of Lord Frey’s grandsons are sent to Winterfell?

In addition, two of Lord Frey’s grandsons, Little Walder and Big Walder, are sent to Winterfell as wards and one of his sons, Olyvar, is made squire to Robb.