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Who betrayed the Starks at the Red Wedding?

Who betrayed the Starks at the Red Wedding?

The King in the North, Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn, and most of his three thousand five hundred soldiers are slaughtered. The event is orchestrated by its host, Lord Walder Frey, as revenge for Robb’s breaking of a marriage pact he made with House Frey, and Walder’s conspirator, Lord Roose Bolton.

Why did Roose Bolton betray the Starks?

Roose decided to betray Robb long ago, after the Lannisters defeated Stannis Baratheon at the Battle of the Blackwater, and was simply feigning loyalty this entire time, even as he was plotting the Starks’ destruction.

Why was Robb Stark betrayed?

Why does Lord Frey want Edmure Tully to marry one of his daughters?

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In order to replace his losses, Robb tries to regain the support of Walder Frey, who withdrew his support for the North ‘s cause when Robb reneged on his promise to marry a one of Walder’s daughters. As compensation for violating the agreement, Lord Frey demands that Edmure Tully wed one of his daughters.

What is Robb’s relationship with Lord Frey like?

Robb is lulled into a false sense of security by Lord Frey, who vows to assure his guests’ safety in accordance with the guest right. While Robb and his mother are aware of their host’s nature, neither imagined that even such a despicable man as he would sink so low as to break such a sacred pact.

Who was the real mastermind of the Red Wedding?

Unbeknownst to most, however, is the fact that the true mastermind of the Red Wedding is Tywin Lannister, who conspired with Frey and Lord Roose Bolton to betray the Northern army in return for clemency and rewards. The breaking of the marriage pact was merely a cover for the massacre.

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What happened to Lord Frey after he betrayed King Lannister?

For his part in the betrayal, Lord Frey was granted the castle of Riverrun and promised Lannister protection from any northern retaliation.