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How long do guitar frets last?

How long do guitar frets last?

18 months before a fret-dress really isn’t unreasonable. depending on how good the factory work was, that guitar may have needed the work done the day it left the factory. Unless the frets are incredibly soft, it should be good for a couple years.

When should frets be replaced?

For a fret to function properly, it must have a domed crown. If the crown is flat, as in Fig. 3, it will cause string rattle and intonation issues. Much like dents and pits, if the fret has a flat crown and is too short, it will need to be replaced.

How do you know if your frets are worn out?

Two common signs that your frets may need attention are gouges or divots directly under the string, and flat worn areas on the frets that may cover as much as half the fret. The gouges typically occur under the steel strings and most often on the frets near the headstock where open chords are often played.

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How much does it cost to PLEK a guitar?

Plek (includes setup) $250
Plek with bone nut upgrade (includes setup) $300
Plek with Graph Tech nut upgrade (includes setup) $300

Is Refretting a guitar worth it?

So, how much does it cost, and is it worth it? Refretting usually costs between $200 and $400, and it is worth it if you plan on playing that guitar. Especially if it is a more expensive one. Refretting cheaper guitars might not be a good idea since the whole procedure can cost more than you paid for the instrument.

What does a zero fret do?

The zero fret sets the height of the string over the fingerboard when the string is played “open” (without being fretted), and the nut, placed behind the zero fret simply sets the string spacing for the strings before they route to the tuners on the headstock.

When should you Refret a guitar?

Refret. If the fret wear is so deep that a fret level would leave frets that are then too low for comfortable and clean playing, a refret is probably called for.

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How hard is it to Refret a guitar?

Performing a complete refret job is about as big as a job can be in guitar lutherie – but don’t let that scare you away. If it’s done poorly, you can usually salvage the job by pulling the frets again and giving it another try. It’s an extremely valuable skill to have, and the core requirement for a perfect action.

Can guitar frets be replaced?

Frets are meant to be used. If they have light divots or some uneven wear, they can likely be leveled and dressed, but if they are so worn and gouged out that they don’t do their job anymore, it’s time for replacements.

Is Pleking a guitar worth it?

As a guitar tech/luthier, I can tell you that it’s absolutely worth it. It’s a far superior way to do fretwork – I’ve done more fret levels and refrets by hand than I can count, and the PLEK process is infinitely better. EVERY guitar can benefit from getting PLEKed, even if it’s a super expensive custom shop guitar.